Sean Penn has announced his retirement from acting about 72 times.

To be announced as a race driver for McLaren is a dream come true.

The day I was announced as CEO, I think the stock dropped another 20%.

Charlton Heston announced again today that he is suffering from Alzheimer's.

The night I announced I was getting married, Daddy paced for hours on the porch.

I announced to my mother one day when I was 8 that I wanted to be a serious actress.

At the end of April I archived 'Curses' and Inform, and announced them on the newsgroups.

I was four when I announced my ambition to write, eight when I began publishing such claims.

When the UFC announced that 125 tournament, I remember thinking, 'Finally, this is my spot.'

She got the magazine on a Wednesday morning, and on Thursday announced our marriage was over.

President Bush and his commanders announced early in the conflict that the Conventions applied.

There was a time when it would be a great scandal if you announced you were going to be an actor.

Within a month I announced I was going to start this initiative: A World of Women for World Peace.

It is amazing that, whenever a ladder match is announced, people automatically think of the Hardys.

When I left England and announced I was going to be an actress, the Windsors stopped speaking to me.

I was excited when King's College announced a scholarship for students who are in developing countries.

I have not made any plans for the future, and my wife would kill me if I announced anything before that.

I knew I was going to be in 'Spectre,' but I didn't realize I was a 'Bond girl' until they announced it.

Madam: If you discover any more comets, can you not wait until they are announced by the proper authorities?

As part of our research, we monitor just about every announced deal globally that is in excess of a billion dollars.

When we first announced it, we had over a million people sign up to use Robinhood Crypto in the first couple of days.

I used to have insecurity about my finances, then I announced that I had debt, and now I don't have any insecurities.

If some great catastrophe is not announced every morning, we feel a certain void. Nothing in the paper today, we sigh.

When we announced that we were going to support Bitcoin companies, we became a great lightning rod for activity and fun.

I would want to start. I want to run out there in front of 20,000 people and get my name announced. I get it. I get that.

When my father announced his campaign for president on Oct. 3, 1991, I had already cast my vote in favor of his candidacy.

I started off throwing out 'Artist.' I made that my first mixtape. Then, I threw out 'TBA,' which means 'To Be Announced.'

I am quite positive about business in India, and 2014 was a strong year here. We announced deals with Vodafone, Tata, Bharti.

The gravest risks from al Qaeda combine its affinity for big targets and its announced desire for weapons of mass destruction.

Scientists announced that they have located the gene for alcoholism. Scientists say they found it at a party, talking way too loudly.

My first day as an intern in the books department at 'Cosmopolitan' also happened to be the day the O.J. Simpson verdict was announced.

As soon as President Bush announced PEPFAR at the State of the Union, I had already been working in Africa for about five or six years.

June 10, 2002, the day John Ashcroft announced the arrest of Jose Padilla, marked a low point in Ashcroft's career as Attorney General.

On 16 September 1985, when the Commerce Department announced that the United States had become a debtor nation, the American Empire died.

Once when I was working for the Daily News, I was summoned back to work from vacation because Donald Trump announced he was getting a divorce.

I've announced every kind of sporting event except hockey and demolition derby, and to be frank about it, I don't really care to ever do those.

Being retired is one thing, but staying retired is another. Even when I announced my retirement, I'm sure people thought I was going to come back.

It's such a process to get a show off the ground initially. And then, to already have a second season announced is a dream come true for any actor.

In 1983, all of us had U.S. passports, but because there was so much tension between America and the U.S.S.R., we were announced as a Canadian group.

The Wacken festival started more than 20 years ago with just a few hundred people in attendance. Tickets now sell out before the lineup is announced.

Ever since they announced that golf would be returning to the Olympics, I thought, 'Hey, I wanna get myself on the team.' It has always been my dream.

That hasn't been easy, because in order to run a clean and transparent race, I announced in January I was not going to accept any corporate PAC money.

There's nothing better than getting announced you're doing a job, people slating you, then you do a job and having people go 'he's actually all right.'

I feel very privileged to be part of this mission, and when my nomination was announced, I was really very, very happy to be selected for this mission.

Why go now? That is the question people asked when I announced I was retiring. A combination of things made me feel it was all drawing to a natural end.

A new release of Plan 9 happened in June, and at about the same time a new release of the Inferno system, which began here, was announced by Vita Nuova.

I've been an Obama supporter since he announced he was campaigning. I was aware of him as a senator, but I wasn't as engaged as I probably should've been.

I do not think that there is a reputable scientist on this planet who would advocate using this technology to generate a human child as was just announced.

On the same day I was sworn in as Prime Minister of Canada, I announced the most sweeping reform ever undertaken in the structure of our federal government.

What usually happens on the Oscar telecast is that as soon as best picture is announced, everyone is up out of their seats and running off to their parties.

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