Appearances are often deceiving.

Trust not too much to appearances.

Appearances are a glimpse of the unseen.

I find it an effort to keep up appearances.

All of his saves have come in relief appearances.

I judge by appearances. People tell me I shouldn't.

She was making great money at personal appearances.

My total winnings after 14 appearances were $129,000.

A record co. is just a vehicle for public appearances.

I'm a businessman and actor and I still make appearances.

As actors, we have to constantly look after our appearances.

If I worried about appearances, I wouldn't be at Cubs games.

Because of social media, we're so fixated on our appearances.

Public appearances are a headache. I hold mine down to a minimum.

Judgements prevent us from seeing the good that lies beyond appearances.

I did a lot of personal appearances because I was under contract to ABC.

To reach Bergomi at the top of appearances for Inter in Europe gives me pride.

I get a little belligerent when not enough protesters show up at my appearances.

I keep kind of making certain mistakes in public appearances over and over again.

In my day, 20-year-olds already had 150 first-team appearances under their belts.

I really wanted my fans to understand that outer appearances really don't matter.

My father was the classic Puritan. Hold the emotions in check. Keep up appearances.

The Dave Clark Five had more appearances on 'The Ed Sullivan Show' than The Beatles.

Candidates' wives are supposed to sit cheerfully through their husbands' appearances.

Photography deals exquisitely with appearances, but nothing is what it appears to be.

The personal appearances and red carpet events are very glitzy, but it's a bit false.

This brought on the news media, TV crews, interviews, and numerous public appearances.

Keep up appearances; there lies the test. The world will give thee credit for the rest.

I have deliberately left Sylvester and Julia's appearances to the reader's imagination.

When I do appearances and stuff and I just wanna see the new pictures, I Google myself.

Outreach appearances in the schools are usually part of my contracts, and I love doing them.

Modeling was very difficult. It's obviously a lot about appearances - it's everything, really.

The work of science is to substitute facts for appearances, and demonstrations for impressions.

I'm real careful doing public appearances because look at what happened to my friend Chris Kyle.

Reality only appears to us tragical because of the disequilibrium and confusion of its appearances.

When I do club appearances, it's girls who come up and get their photos taken with me, not just guys.

My husband was a pilot. He flew Elvis when Elvis first started making appearances around the country.

Taste is more to do with manners than appearances. Taste is both myth and reality; it is not a style.

Fashion is the science of appearances, and it inspires one with the desire to seem rather than to be.

I really love working with my sisters, doing photo shoots with my sisters and appearances all together.

I thought that I held the record of most appearances on the Bob Hope Show, but I think - It's Brooke Shields.

I don't do that many appearances at conventions. I like to keep them special for me. And for the fans, I hope.

After guest appearances, I got the offer to do the show as the successor of Arthur Schwartz. It's so much fun.

Southern women, especially upper-middle-class women, care deeply about appearances and what other people think.

As a point of fact, I am not used to making frequent appearances in public, except at times when it is required.

I don't mind doing occasional guest appearances on shows, but I have other things I'd like to do in my life now.

After 'Tina Snow' dropped, I had so many performances and so many appearances, and I'm in the studio all the time.

People know me from my social media and television appearances and they'd see through me if I wasn't being honest.

I love acting, though I don't like the frills around it - red-carpet appearances, dressing up to look a certain way.

We are to admit no more causes of natural things than such as are both true and sufficient to explain their appearances.

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