I have a lifetime appointment and I intend to serve it. I expect to ...

I have a lifetime appointment and I intend to serve it. I expect to die at 110, shot by a jealous husband.

Appointment viewing is dead, and I think it is going away.

TV and appointment viewing is a thing of the past for the youth.

We are always rushing to an appointment or trying to meet a deadline.

You can't just, boopity-boop, saunter into the Treasury. You need an appointment.

A wise woman never yields by appointment. It should always be an unforeseen happiness.

We are not saints, but we have kept our appointment. How many people can boast as much?

On 9/11, that morning, I was in a Christian Dior Couture appointment at the Hotel Pierre.

Democracy substitutes election by the incompetent many for appointment by the corrupt few.

You had to make an appointment to see her. But it was just a crazy spectacle, people filing past.

What is it that makes us trust our judges? Their independence in office and manner of appointment.

I'll often rush out from Dark Shadows, having made a 5.30PM appointment, working for a couple of hours.

Voting on a lifetime appointment to the Supreme Court is one of the most important duties of a U.S. Senator.

There's a place in Dalston, in England, called LNCC, where you have to make an appointment in order to shop.

An important event in my scientific life has been my appointment as a Professor at the College de France in 1973.

I am delighted that India will be my first official visit since taking up my appointment as a Foreign Office Minister.

If I have made an appointment with you, I owe you punctuality, I have no right to throw away your time, if I do my own.

I look at my first appointment book from 1965 and I get dizzy. I was constantly in a phone booth calling photographers.

I remember, as a federal prosecutor myself, it's only a 3-year appointment, and they interviewed my childhood neighbors.

Change is terrifying for people who feel immune to it by virtue of status, divine appointment, or imagined irreplaceability.

You know, when I joined the WP, I didn't join with the notion of being sec-gen or coveting any sort of leadership appointment.

I don't need a job. I don't want an appointment. I don't want to be on a commission. I don't want to be ambassador to nowhere.

My concern was whether I could do the job of a justice well enough to convince the nation that my appointment was the right move.

Unfaithfulness in the keeping of an appointment is an act of clear dishonesty. You may as well borrow a person's money as his time.

The benefit of appointing a hawkish central banker is the increased inflation-fighting credibility that such an appointment brings.

My 2018 ended with a hate storm, in response to my appointment as chair of the government's Building Better, Building Beautiful Commission.

It took me two years to get an appointment with Mr. Suga who cut my hair for the Olympics. Who knew? I had no idea that it would be popular.

On the matter - on the issue of life, it's life. So I actually would pursue appointment, court appointments that would overturn Roe v. Wade.

Our products weren't getting some of the excitement they deserved because you were waiting on hold on the phone, or we missed an appointment.

The appointment of judges to the higher judiciary cannot be the sole domain of a few members of the higher judiciary. This turf must be shared.

I think the important thing about my appointment is not that I will decide cases as a woman, but that I am a woman who will get to decide cases.

The wonderful thing about being a New York Times columnist is that it's like a Supreme Court appointment - they're stuck with you for a long time.

In not having an appointment at Harvard, I'm in the company of a great many people whose work I admire tremendously, in particular women of color.

I was actually discovered while at a showroom appointment and was immediately sent over to an agency in L.A. I was about 15 years old at that time.

I give so much credit to the 'Up' team who created appointment viewing on the weekends for us and some of the smartest conversations on television.

I am still doing my due diligence. A vote on a Supreme Court nominee is a lifetime appointment and when the court decides, it is the law of the land.

We have three and a half acres, complete with duck pond and wildflower meadow and open annually by appointment as part of the National Gardens Scheme.

We're going to try to create some programs that are going to generate viewer interest and appointment viewing. We still will have news on Headline News.

On gym days, I don't get to my desk until 4 in the afternoon, and everything except bedtime and the appointment with the liquid narcotic is pushed back a bit.

I started realizing I could be an example for women to not just be aware of breast cancer but to act on it, to make an appointment, to give themselves an exam.

Not by appointment do we meet delight Or joy; they heed not our expectancy; But round some corner of the streets of life they of a sudden greet us with a smile.

The intelligent ruler makes the law select men and makes no arbitrary appointment himself; he makes the law measure merits and makes no arbitrary judgment himself.

'Antiques Roadshow' is my favorite show. Every Monday night I have one hour of appointment television. I get the popcorn out and tell my husband, 'Don't bother me.'

Any people attempting to govern themselves by laws of their own making, and by officers of their own appointment, are in direct rebellion against the kingdom of God.

The completion of the Iraqi cabinet with the appointment of three critical ministers is also confirmation of continued movement toward a just and democratic society in Iraq.

We need to consider nominations as thoroughly and carefully as the American people deserve. No one is entitled to a free pass to a lifetime appointment to the Supreme Court.

America is sick and tired of spending hour upon hour sitting in their automobile trying to get to work, trying to get kids to school, trying to get to a doctor's appointment.

They don't have a lot of appointment viewing. What television depends on, one thing 'Larry King Live' was - whether you liked it, didn't like it - it was appointment viewing.

What hasn't surprised me is that audiences, as we found starting with box sets, want control, to decide how they watch it. Appointment viewing is slowly being put slightly behind.

There was always the next therapy appointment, next surgery, next college exam, but with time and deep thought, those evolved into life lessons, which then evolved into perspective.

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