I seem to produce a novel approximately once every three years.

'The Exile' covers approximately the first third of 'Outlander'.

One hate crime is committed approximately every hour of every day in this country.

Eugene is located in western Oregon, approximately 278 billion miles from anything.

Every pound of muscle burns approximately 50 calories every day, just doing nothing.

I have been a gigantic Rolling Stones fan since approximately the Spanish-American War.

Federal program and services outlay in Puerto Rico is approximately $10 billion per year.

Mr. Speaker, Delaware River's regional ports handle approximately 58 million tons of cargo yearly.

Between 1910 and 1950 approximately 350 lives of Jesus were published in the English language alone.

I was about 13, in some ways, when I wrote the first book. Approximately 18 when I wrote the second.

In 1978, when I was 17 and in my first year at university, I read approximately 3,500 pages of Dickens.

I've done approximately 15 films, and most of the things I've done have either been stunt or costume work.

Humans have lived for much, much longer than the approximately 10,000 years of settled agricultural civilization.

Is it not dangerous to have students study together for years, copying the same models and approximately the same path?

The Cube is approximately - it's around the same age as the Internet, and in that time, we had no personal computers yet.

A life of a sportsperson is approximately 14-15 years long and fatigue will be a part of it, but they have to manage that.

A basic problem for people in politics is that approximately none have the hard skills necessary to distinguish great people from charlatans.

Perhaps the soundest advice for parents is: Lighten up. People have been raising children for approximately as long as there have been people.

The first am fight I had, I was 10 yrs. old. I didn't count, but as far as I remember, it was approximately 350 fights. It was a lot of fights.

I have been involved in Internet-related policy for approximately one decade, and I have been using the Internet myself for almost that period of time.

In the United States women develop MS at approximately twice the rate men do, and no one can explain why women are affected most often from the waist down.

Most of the doctors in the Tunisian administration, especially those in country districts, contracted typhus and approximately one third of them died of it.

Able Danger consisted of approximately 20 direct individuals working for Special Forces in Tampa, Florida. The total amount of people working for Able Danger was 20.

I think any student of military strategy would tell you that in order to attack a position, you should have a ratio of approximately 3 to 1 in favor of the attacker.

In Riyadh, there's going to be a huge project that will house at least 12,000 units with inhabitants of approximately 150,000 people. It's like a city within a city.

So long as the opposing forces are at the outset approximately equal in numbers and moral and there are no flanks to turn, a long struggle for supremacy is inevitable.

In our Nation, approximately 22.5 million children ride school buses to and from school each day, which accounts for 54 percent of all students attending grade school.

Every year, nearly two-thirds of the approximately 200,000 patients in need of a bone marrow transplant will not find a marrow donor that matches within their families.

Although approximately 80% of osteoporosis sufferers are women, as the longevity of the male population increases, the disease will assume increasing importance in men.

I started dancing when I saw Fred Astaire in 'Flying Down to Rio,' at approximately nine years old. Fred Astaire influenced me, more than anything, to be in 'show business.'

At any one time, there are approximately 1.2 million fugitives at large in the United States - it is likely that approximately half a million of these are dangerous fugitives.

Our ACE proposal will reduce CO2 approximately the same levels that the Clean Power Plan would have, if it had been implemented. And we're reducing CO2 from our CAFE standards.

If New Yorkers reduced portion size to 16 ounces from 20 ounces for one sugary drink every two weeks, it would collectively save approximately 2.3 million pounds over one year.

One day I discovered that one could get the barrier to internal rotation in ethane approximately right using this method. This was the beginning of my work on organic molecules.

According to the study, approximately 16.7 million U.S. workers born in Latin America had a combined gross income of $450 billion last year, of which 93 percent was spent locally.

The wireless segment is approximately 50 percent of our business... we believe this is an industry-wide phenomenon and that we are, in fact, maintaining if not gaining market share.

We have been restraining the growth of the cost of education-that is, tuition, room and board-to be within approximately one and a half percentage points of the consumer price index.

Obama's policies have been approximately the same as Bush's, though there have been some slight differences, but that's not a great surprise. The Democrats supported Bush's policies.

In order to seize the opportunity presented by the acceleration of 5G, we plan to invest approximately €100 million in 2018 to meet near-term customer requirements for early 5G trials.

Approximately 80% of our air pollution stems from hydrocarbons released by vegetation, so let's not go overboard in setting and enforcing tough emission standards from man-made sources.

When President Bush left office, the deficit was approximately $500 billion. It is now approximately now $1.5 trillion. In other words, President Obama has essentially tripled the deficit.

In 2000, when my partner Ben Horowitz was CEO of the first cloud computing company, Loudcloud, the cost of a customer running a basic Internet application was approximately $150,000 a month.

If I may discuss the idea of explosion. The number of regulations issued in the last two years is approximately the same as the number issued in the last two years of the Bush administration.

I realized not long ago that by the time I leave this Earth, no matter when it is I will have officially only spent approximately 14 years of my life where I did not have to deal with cancer.

Most races are claiming races. For the lower-caliber horses, it's a way the track has of forcing people to run their horses at approximately the price at which they would not mind having the horse bought.

In Arkansas alone, approximately three quarters of a million people are at risk of going hungry, and one in four children does not get enough to eat, so my goal is to bring awareness to this tragic issue.

In large part, thanks to widespread immunization, the number of young children dying each year has declined significantly, from approximately 14 million in 1979 to slightly less than eight million in 2010.

When I was working on a Victorian-era novel, to get in the mood, I read several historical novels set in approximately the same period and place, and really enjoyed the detective novels of John Dickson Carr.

I attended an extremely small liberal arts school. There were approximately 1,600 of us roaming our New England campus on a good day. My high school was bigger. My freshman year hourly calorie intake was bigger.

For the next approximately three years, I have got Nathan to take care of. I know that once he graduates from high school, he will be off doing whatever it is he is going to be doing - probably playing ice hockey.

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