Boxing is a business.

There are no survivors in my fights.

I had a very hard life in Kazakhstan.

People who like boxing like my style.

Maybe I can become the next James Bond.

I like real people. I don't like fakes.

I believe in my power and boxing skills.

Family is the most important thing to me.

I liked soccer. I played it for two years.

Boxing is sport. Is good. Not just for bad guy.

I love judo. I love grappling. I love jiu-jitsu.

I respect all the fighters who have the big names.

Each fight has its own preparations and challenges.

I'm always looking for new ways to improve my skills.

I've never been a bad guy - never acted like a tough guy.

Anytime a curtain closes forever, that's always sad news.

I have a lot of limited edition sneakers that Jordan sends me.

I am not Julio Cesar Chavez Jr., and Canelo is no Danny Jacobs.

Boxing is serious. It's not a game. Just one punch - change life.

I always watch NHL, NBA, NFL games and don't miss tennis and golf.

Madison Square Garden is one of the best fighting venues in the world.

I am very positive. I like to box. I like my life. I am happy every day.

In general, I enjoy watching different sport tournaments and competitions.

If you have money, and you help people, you don't talk about it. Just do it.

I love and respect my sport, but I am not a bad guy. First, I am a sportsman.

I understand this business. Sometimes there's a lot of corruption. It's boxing.

I'm a boxer. I'm a boxer. If you're interested, just watch my boxing, not my life.

Jacobs was a very good fighter and gave me good learning experience going 12 rounds.

Hublot is a great high quality brand which represents modern, stylish, masculine look.

For me, it's very hard to train too much, just sparring, sparring, sparring. It's boring.

I remember seeing Sugar Ray Leonard, Mike Tyson, and the old films of Sugar Ray Robinson.

If I can beat a proven champion like Canelo, that will take my career to a different level.

Canelo is the number one in Mexico, a country known for great fighters. He is very special.

I want to fight in Madison Square Garden because it's the mecca of boxing. This is my dream.

I remember my time growing up. It was a little bit difficult because the Soviet Union was broken.

Canelo, he is not a champion. He is a liar who has no respect for the sport of boxing or its fans.

Sugar Ray Robinson is my favorite boxer of all time. He is a middleweight. I saw him and liked him.

I don't feel my opponent's power. I feel something happening when I get hit, but I don't feel power.

It's always been a dream of mine to fight at Madison Square Garden, and it's something I really relish.

My brothers first brought me to boxing. I dedicate the fights to them and my father and fight for my family.

When I wrap my hands, I do it for my family. I owe my courage to them and also my success. That's why I fight.

Cain Velasquez - he is a good puncher. He is very compact. He's strong. He's very smart. He's a good fighter. He's a warrior.

It was a very difficult time after the fall of the Soviet Union. Jobs were difficult, and you had to fight to have anything nice.

This is boxing. It's not like a baseball game. The fighters say, 'I need a lot of money or I don't fight, because it's very dangerous.'

The first am fight I had, I was 10 yrs. old. I didn't count, but as far as I remember, it was approximately 350 fights. It was a lot of fights.

If you want street fight, let's go. If you want boxing, I show you. But people think I am, like, gangster. No. Ring is different world. Very dangerous.

Those 'Rocky' endings are great in the movies and on the stage, but I don't think it would be too smart for me to get into that kind of fight in the ring.

The main thing I want to have at the end of my career is to be healthy. But as for people to remember me, I want my fans to remember the type of fights I had.

I never went into the mine. But I saw my father and other men coming out, day after day, their faces and bodies covered in soot. It looked very hard and dangerous.

From the beginning, when my brother Vadim first took me to the boxing gym at 10, I was able to punch hard, and the coach always put me with older boys because of that.

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