My witness is the empty sky.

My dream is to save them from nature.

At least I had that, one guy understood me.

This is the dawning of the age of Aquarius.

To chase the glowing hours with flying feet.

I didn't like the script [of Aquarius], I loved it.

What is the answer? In that case, what is the question?

Of all things visible, the highest is the heaven of the fixed stars.

I dyed my hair blonde in that movie, so my head doesn't match my grill.

When I wrote the script [of "Aquarius"], it seemed to hold people's interest.

Aquarius[es] are social butterflies, humanitarians, geniuses: Einstein was one.

The reason I like Sagittarius is because they're like an Aquarius in a fire sign.

The 1960s were about releasing ourselves from conventional society and freeing ourselves.

I may have grown up in the Age of Aquarius, but I'm growing old in the Age of the Acronym.

I wanna say I'm detached, but I'm an Aquarius that's sensitive as hell. That's dope, though.

The Age of Aquarius is the age of excellence in which personal purity shall absolutely matter.

I think being different, going against the grain of society is the greatest thing in the world.

The film [Aquarius" ] is very, very successful. We had the highest per-screen average of last week's releases.

I think anybody who was ever saddened by a movie theater closing would be able to understand this film [Aquarius].

I love water - I'm an Aquarius, but that has nothing to do with it - and I've never been away from water in any place.

I didn't want to overstate anything, but at the same time, the scene expands on some of the themes in the film [ "Aquarius"].

You have to understand the process of healing in the Age of Aquarius. What will give the healing is the flow of your soul energy.

We did receive some questions about the film's [Aquarius] sexuality in Cannes, but they came from the press rather than audiences.

One of the hallmarks of the sign of Aquarius is the campaign for justice. Everybody is my brother. Justice is very important to me.

As an Aquarius, I was born an outsider. I'm awkward at social events. I can be social, but I feel like nobody truly understands who I am.

I started with the firm conviction that when I came to the end, I wanted to be regretting the things that I had done, not the things I hadn't.

I'm a Leo, with an Aquarian mid-heaven, so I can be mistaken for an Aquarius. My Sun-Uranus conjunction in Leo makes me an honorary Aquarian anyway.

I just hope the film [Aquarius] doesn't feel overly nostalgic because too much nostalgia for me leads to depression. I think Clara is very pragmatic.

My theory is that hip-hop is the most advanced version of civilisation on earth, and we are here to usher the rest of humanity into the Age of Aquarius.

It's a great role for any age. Any actress wishes they would find a screenplay that means as much to them as "Aquarius" meant to me, as a person and a citizen.

After a dark, violent age, the Piscean, we are entering a millennium of love and light in the words of the popular song the 'Age of Aquarius,' the time of the mind's true liberation.

["Aquarius"] it had a bit of a rocky arrival in cinemas because we were given the 18+ rating, which did not make any sense in terms of the Brazilian rating system for a film like this.

The thing about 'Aquarius' is it's incredibly original, and it's really different than anything on network television. The story is so compelling, and it's something people are fascinated by.

Everybody else is going to react differently to the film [Aquarius], but what I love about it is that both men and women are going to react to it because they will find themselves represented.

The rating [of "Aquarius"] was eventually brought down to 16 after the third appeal. Everything blew up after the second appeal because the press picked it up and spurred suspicions of persecution.

You're quite right there," he said. "I have practiced abstinence myself for years, and had my time of fasting, too, but now I find myself once more beneath the sign of Aquarius, a dark and humid constellation.

You see, in the image of Aquarius, it's a man who pours water into the fish. Now the fish is the unconscious. It is not enough just to have it. We have to actively turn towards it and support it so that it then helps us.

These are the times described in the Holy Bible as the "Last Judgement" and in the Koran as "Kiyama", the Resurrection time. Astrologically it is also called the Age of Aquarius, the time of rebirth and of great spiritual development on the Earth.

Aquarius is a miscellaneous set of stars all at different distances from us, which have no connection with each other except that they constitute a (meaningless) pattern when seen from a certain (not particularly special) place in the galaxy (here).

The bottom line is that the position of the Sun relative to the stars slowly changes for any given date, and over the course of 26,000 years, it can easily slide between constellations. So you may think you're a Pisces, but you're actually an Aquarius.

When Sônia [Braga] talked about the script in detail, it was as if she had seen the film [Aquarius] last night, even though it hadn't existed yet. It was a completely bulls - t-less reaction, so I knew it had to be her, and she has been great ever since.

The movie [Aquarius] is about love, ultimately, and it was made with love. There were a lot of parents in the crew, and they were the best crew I had ever worked with. Everybody knew the construction of each scene, and were completely invested in every shooting day.

The reaction I got from Sônia [Braga] in less than 48 hours after I sent her the script [Aquarius] was so genuine that it left me stunned. Often when you show people scripts, you get polite, absent-minded reactions, as well as exclamations of "What the f - k is this?".

This 3HO shall be the most important legacy on this planet for the Age of Aquarius. Sooner or later people will experience a tremendous amount of emptiness which always brings a void. A void brings unhappiness. Then people will want to find a place where they can be healthy, happy, and holy.

Sônia Braga reacted in a beautiful way to the draft I sent her, so we just made the film ["Aquarius"] as I had written it. Emilie [Lesclaux], my wife and producer, told me, "This is not a two-hour film. This is going to be longer." And I said, "Well, let's try and make it work, whatever length it is."

Of course, I was a little concerned about it being over two hours [in "Aquarius" ]. "Neighboring Sounds" was two hours and eleven minutes. This is two hours and twenty-five minutes, and I did try bringing it down. For instance, I considered cutting out the sequence with the family looking at pictures.

Even if 'going retrograde' or 'moving into Aquarius' were real phenomena, something that planets actually do, what influence could they possibly have on human events? A planet is so far away that its gravitational pull on a new-born baby would be swamped by the gravitational pull of the doctor's paunch.

We are all pioneers in the Age of Aquarius. No man can give a man anything other than love. No man can give a man anything other than hope. No man can give a man anything but service. The only thing you can do is act like a forklift-go into the dirt and lift the other person and put him on track, so he can proceed.

I'm a man that's unique to the world. That's kind of the star I was born under - on the cusp of Capricorn and Aquarius. My mother is Irish-American, and my father is Afro-Panamanian, so it's kind of been the story of my life to be a bridge between different cultures and different styles, and musically, that's between jazz and R&B.

I just realized the other day that Clara [in Aquarius] and I are now going to be apart year by year. She's still 65, and I'm 66 now. When you make a movie, it preserves you at a certain age, and it's so wonderful that Clara has preserved me at 65. People are talking about her age in a way that is positive and respectful, which is so wonderful.

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