I always say it is not the arrival; it is the journey.

The arrival of any child brings you a lot of happiness.

The history of Hawaii may be seen as a story of arrivals.

The arrival of Beckham at Milan is not just a matter of marketing.

Cristiano Ronaldo's arrival here at Juventus has been fundamental.

In a land of immigrants, one was not an alien but simply the latest arrival.

A first novel should be brash and ambitious, and announce the arrival of a new talent.

From the newest arrivals to our Native American brothers and sisters, we are one America.

Emma gave me some of my favorite matches - the NXT Women's Tournament and then NXT ArRIVAL.

I was as excited when Beckham started to play with us as I am with the arrival of Cristiano.

Spain started to generate a very good playing style from Pep Guardiola's arrival at Barcelona.

If the feminist program goes to pieces on the arrival of the first baby, it's false and useless.

When Ronaldinho arrived at Barcelona, they did not win anything. After my arrival, we won it all.

I'm lucky, I can sleep from takeoff until we land; so I'm fresh, rested and ready to work on arrival.

I've always been interested in arrival, and coming to a space, and even to looking back at where you were.

The arrival of 'Star Wars' signalled the full absorption of the former counterculture into a new mainstream.

We're seeing the arrival of conversational robots that can walk in our world. It's a golden age of invention.

Einstein explained his theory to me every day, and on my arrival I was fully convinced that he understood it.

Legislation to level the playing field for working families is dead on arrival in the Citizens United Congress.

I have specific playlists for arrivals in different cities. Tokyo skews new wave, Paris more jazz, and New York is Top 40.

I suffer much less than many of my colleagues. I am perfectly able to go to Australia and film within three hours of arrival.

The shortest period of time lies between the minute you put some money away for a rainy day and the unexpected arrival of rain.

Upon his arrival at Chelsea, Mourinho spoke to me. He gives me confidence and I'm trying to return all such support on the pitch.

The arrival of a good clown exercises a more beneficial influence upon the health of a town than of twenty asses laden with drugs.

I still have the newspapers of my first match at Barcelona. It was a disaster. We lost 2-0 and everybody was questioning my arrival.

I was labeled 'P-E-A,' which is patient expired on arrival. I guess that's the politically correct way of saying you didn't make it.

India's great economic boom, the arrival of the Internet and outsourcing, have broken the wall between provincial India and the world.

The Cro-Magnons lived with fear and amazement in a culture of Arrival, facing many mysteries. Their culture lasted for some 20,000 years.

Before the arrival of the Credit Union, people who were from the poor background or a working class background couldn't borrow from banks.

If you say the word amnesty - the 'A-word,' so to speak - it's DOA. If there's even a hint of amnesty in my district, it's dead on arrival.

For the poet the credo or doctrine is not the point of arrival but is, on the contrary, the point of departure for the metaphysical journey.

I ask our European partners for a truly European migration management. The burden of landings cannot weigh only on the countries of arrival.

Each 'Bar Rescue' is shot in real time. So the complete rescue is 5 days from my arrival to my departure. I do not see or meet anyone in advance.

Proud parents document the arrival and growth of their future CIA officer in all forms of social media that the world can access for decades to come.

In my own work, I've tried to anticipate what's coming over the horizon, to hasten its arrival, and to apply it to people's lives in a meaningful way.

A startup is not just about the idea: it's about testing and then implementing the idea. A founding team without these skills is likely dead on arrival.

Ending the Deferred Action for Child Arrivals program was a serious mistake that will harm the United States and will spark a national political crisis.

When you have the initial GCHQ induction course for new arrivals, they tell you… not to trust journalists, to be careful to keep everything confidential.

It's often hard to remember that the personal computing era is still quite young. It only dates from 1977, with the arrival of the first mass-market PCs.

As many as two out of every three Europeans who came to the colonies were debtors on arrival: they paid for their passage by becoming indentured servants.

World Soccer Stars presents a great opportunity to celebrate the arrival of football, and from what I know, football is the next emerging sport in Pakistan.

I've been known to spend an afternoon on ASOS.com. There's just so much on there, and I can't stand not seeing all the new arrivals just in case I miss out.

Thanks to the arrival of such spirited and purposeful groups as X, the Blasters, R.E.M., and the Replacements, American rock has made a spectacular comeback.

My body was torn apart by an enemy hand grenade... upon arriving at Camp Bastion, I was labeled P.E.A. - patient expired on arrival. I flat-lined at Walter Reed.

The fact of the matter is that the most unexpected and miraculous thing in my life was the arrival in it of poetry itself - as a vocation and an elevation almost.

'Bridesmaids,' I think, opened up a door to allow women to show a bunch of different women in different ways of being funny. It was kind of like an arrival moment.

The concentration in my book on Marie Antoinette's childhood and on her family influences. It is surprising how some books actually start with her arrival in France!

Although there are people who regard 'Do You Want More?!!!??!' as our first major release, I think 'Things Fall Apart' was the real arrival of The Roots, so to speak.

The Slave Trade, though nominally abolished, is actively pursued here, eighty-three slaves having been landed just before my arrival, and another cargo during my stay.

I mean, Chris is, I'm sure, a wonderful guy. But in those days he also very, very late. For all appointments and departures and arrivals and sound checks and anything.

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