Every man is an artist.

Imitation is criticism.

I cannot exist as a solo artist.

I was voted most artistic in school.

The artist in me cries out for design.

My parents were very artistic, but busy.

I look at everything in an artistic way.

Be artistic, choose taste, set an example.

I support artistic freedom and always have.

I'm not artistic nor am I all that creative.

I love conceptual art and artistic expression.

Keep to yourself the final touches of your art.

It's a great comfort to have an artistic sister.

The smallest thing, well done, becomes artistic.

Artistic license sneered through the thin fabric.

A primitive artist is an amateur whose work sells.

I'm not going to compromise my artistic integrity.

True artistic expression lies in conveying emotion.

Artistic development is a thing of the past, sadly.

My artistic spirit is not nurtured by blogospheres.

Folklore is artistic communication in small groups.

There is no known device for artistic contraception.

Liberty is the chosen resort of the artistic shopper.

Dining is and always was a great artistic opportunity.

Art resides even in things with no artistic intentions.

Abstract Expressionism was invented by New York drunks.

I've only been interested in the artistic side of life.

Music is my first love, where my artistic journey began.

There is no higher form of artistic expression then film

Communication without a purpose is artistic masturbation.

Autobiography is a preemptive strike against biographers.

I'll always take an artistic endeavor over a career move.

The market kills more artistic passion than anything else.

Suffering is the main condition of the artistic experience.

I really am in love with the idea of an artistic signature.

I like to stay artistic. So I always like to draw or write.

Artistic temperament is the disease that afflicts amateurs.

Woodstock had a tremendous impact on American artistic life.

Preserve my artistic creativity and ennoble my artistic fame.

Cinema for me is an area of philosophy and artistic statement.

I don't feel deprived in not completing my artistic endeavors.

I was really artistic. I did a lot of poetry, a lot of writing.

Encourage your kids' artistic side. Toughen up everything else.

I have an artistic temperament, which is a really tragic thing.

I have a lot of weird interests, but everything I do is artistic.

I see procrastination and research as part of my artistic process.

The desire to survive and the fear of death are artistic sentiments

My first love is art, and I see a lot of things in an artistic way.

That is the artistic task: To choose the best from these solutions.

I have a quiet and an artistic side that many people don't know of.

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