Assassinate me you may; intimidate me you cannot.

Just to assassinate Michael Brown's character is wrong.

Typically, you get a year in prison for making a threat to assassinate the president.

It is easy for people to sit behind their laptops and assassinate somebody's character.

It is my personal plan to assassinate by pistol either Richard Nixon or George Wallace.

Let me be clear. 'The Good Father' isn't a handbook on how to assassinate the president.

By the time you have your protagonist attempting to assassinate the Pope, you've sort of signaled that everything is on the table.

As far as anybody in the rap game ever tryin' to assassinate my character, that's impossible. You talkin' about a man who has always walked the walk and talked the talk.

The grand jury, composed of 12 eminent New Orleans citizens, heard our evidence and indicted the defendant for participation in a conspiracy to assassinate John Kennedy.

The onslaught of new and complex information, the academic and thinktank cults of expertise, not to mention the impossibility of bohemia in the age of high rents, have conspired to assassinate the public intellectual.

In our brief national history we have shot four of our presidents, worried five of them to death, impeached one and hounded another out of office. And when all else fails, we hold an election and assassinate their character.

The CIA could not face up to the American people and admit that its former employees had conspired to assassinate the President; so from the moment Kennedy's heart stopped beating, the Agency attempted to sweep the whole conspiracy under the rug.

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