Fear attracts attack.

Defence is our best attack.

As long as I breathe, I attack.

I don't attack innocent people.

Fear nothing; attack everything.

You got to attack every workout.

The mainstream is always under attack.

The best way to attack is to defend well.

Strength lies not in defence but in attack.

Attack is only one half of the art of boxing.

I'm constantly on the verge of a panic attack.

I will never have a heart attack. I give them.

This is a soul under perpetual migraine attack.

In 1628 came the first English attack on Canada.

Any terrorism is an attack on libertarian values.

A lot of people attack the sea, I make love to it.

Anybody who knows me knows that I'm no attack dog.

In planning an attack, persons have various roles.

The primary factor in a successful attack is speed.

Certain individuals you don't attack. You run from.

I put the heart attack down to 66 cigarettes a day.

Workers' rights are under attack across the country.

You don't want to attack one game more than another.

There is always more spirit in attack than in defence.

I try not to be proud. I try to actively attack pride.

I just have to continue to attack practice and get better.

In terms of pace, every captain wants pace in their attack.

As soon as the fear approaches near, attack and destroy it.

You can't come up and attack someone because of free speech.

Only the player with the initiative has the right to attack.

Except for the occasional heart attack, I never felt better.

I didn't really have a plan of attack when I got in college.

Freedom can be killed by neglect as well as by direct attack.

The best comedy is where you attack the strong, not the weak.

Without a plan, there's no attack. Without attack, no victory.

Nothing can stop the attack of aircraft except other aircraft.

I grew up listening to a lot of Massive Attack and Portishead.

An attack on values is inevitably seen as an act of subversion.

Till a person is proven guilty, no one should attack him or her.

It's both rebellion and conformity that attack you with success.

I always try to attack the most honest issues I can in my comedy.

I don't think there's such a thing as an unprovoked shark attack.

A Jedi uses the Force for knowledge and defense, never for attack.

Women need to attack those negative voices they have in their head.

The worst time to have a heart attack is during a game of charades.

There's always an attack on the sophomore novel from some quarters.

Every one of our congressional offices, every day, is under attack.

Just because a rapper is white, I don't feel the need to attack them.

We've investigated Chattanooga as a terror attack from the beginning.

Love is like the measles. The older you get it, the worse the attack.

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