Background for Humans

My background is Scottish.

I'm from a Gypsy background!

Jazz is not background music.

My background is in health care.

I wasn't a great background singer.

My background is in musical comedy.

A weak background is a deadly thing.

I came up from a difficult background.

I have a strong art-history background.

My background is in improv and writing.

As a kid, I had a background in theater.

I don't come from a privileged background.

My family background was deeply Christian.

I've sung background for a couple of bands.

Chicago is a lot of my background as a chef.

I never want to hide my wrestling background.

I come from a traditional theater background.

With my background, I came out of the theater.

I'm just a husband waltzing in the background.

My background is degradation and sloth, mostly.

Bluegrass is really a big part of my background.

I love folk; that's a big part of my background.

I don't know much about my biological background.

My foregrounds are imaginary, my backgrounds real.

The backgrounds in Lord of the Rings are all explained.

The backgrounds in Lord of the Rings are all explained.

O who knows what slumbers in the background of the times?

I have a dance background. I have an athletic background.

Choice is always performed against a background of habit.

I was bred and raised in a multi-cultural music background.

I came from the most orthodox background you could ask for.

Work all paled into the background as soon as I had a baby.

I come from a working-class background in Queens, New York.

Objects are held by the backgrounds that are cut into them.

The call to write does not respect background or experience.

I am aiming my books at anybody with no economics background.

The Mekons were kind of like the background music of my life.

My background is in theater. I was a theater major in college.

I don't have any type of sketch-comedy or stand-up background.

Your background has a lot to do with your approach to movement.

My law clerks come from diverse backgrounds and points of view.

We had our British background of traditional theatre behind us.

I read a lot of biographies and books with an African background.

I'm not a dishwasher anymore. But I'm still from Sangamon Street.

For quite some time, women at NASA only had scientific backgrounds.

I have a curious background for someone who turns out to be a writer.

At the time, I was making good money doing background work and demos.

We want people who come from humble backgrounds and have a need to win.

I was not put here to be a background character in someone else's movie!

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