Badminton is a cruel sport.

I was a child badminton wizard.

I love badminton. That's my sport!

I used to play badminton in winter.

It should not all be about badminton.

Badminton is not as glamorous as cricket.

Badminton is not a popular sport in India.

Women's badminton has become so competitive.

Sometimes I play cricket, and I play badminton.

I really love playing badminton and doing crosswords.

Those who play badminton well take decisions quickly.

I love badminton, and representing China is an honour for me.

I don't care about movies. I tend to play badminton once a week.

One thing you never hear is "Man that guy is good at badminton".

Badminton in Beijing is huge - it's one of their top three sports.

I love winning more than I love playing badminton. Winning is everything.

I don't think I have the ability or patience to teach badminton to others.

In badminton, they use a lot from the wrist. But I use a lot from the shoulder.

I'm a chilled-out guy, and I really like sports and to play badminton and squash.

My parents told me either I choose badminton, or school has to make the best of me.

I hope wholeheartedly that badminton will be as popular and respected as tennis one day.

My brother was playing hockey, tennis, badminton... I basically copied everything he did.

Badminton is not popular in the U.S. because I think the mentality of badminton has to change.

I never believed that India could win a medal in badminton because the competition is so tough.

There's sketch, improv, writing, acting, music, and badminton. Those are the seven forms of comedy.

I have been following badminton for quite some time, and I know most of the Indian players personally.

I watch a lot of badminton, and as a result, I know more or less about the forms of most of the players.

Badminton will gain momentum in a big manner after my win in Olympics. More players will participate in the game now.

We used to go cycling as a family every weekend. I played basketball, cricket, badminton, and was half-decent at them.

I was a child who was interested in sports, and represented my school in football, cricket, badminton and table tennis.

I did everything - swimming, dancing, and badminton as well as tennis. It was always tennis that I really loved, though.

There will be many obstacles in the pursuit of your dreams. I had long hours of training, balancing studies and badminton.

I started playing badminton when I was probably of eight years and ever since have been playing. I didn't go to university.

If it's not televised, there's no way Americans will know about competitive badminton. All they know is the back-yard thing.

It is hard to compete with other sports. Badminton is a sport which, when compared with football and tennis, still needs promotion.

Besides being a national level basketball champion, I have played a lot of other sports like volleyball, badminton, kho-kho, and kabbadi.

When I'm not singing, I'm a lot of persons: I'm a producer. I'm a badminton player. I'm a writer. I'm a movie freak. I'm a documentary maker.

I played hockey, as most girls who go to convent schools in Ireland do, as well as table tennis and badminton - all the rock 'n' roll sports.

From the start, all I did was play football. I briefly played badminton and won a tournament when I was 12, but really, it was always football.

Rejuvenation of younger players should be the job of the Indonesian Badminton Association. But local competitions will help identify new talent.

Badminton is not only about winning. What is important to me is about playing hard, doing my best and putting up a good show for the spectators.

I'm a sports lover. Not just cricket - I play badminton and football, too. When I get some time off, I prefer to play sports rather than working out.

I think badminton has a real legacy with more youngsters taking up the sport. Badminton has done really well in that regard compared to other sports.

The PBSI (Indonesian Badminton Association) have to work harder to widen the pool and find quality players. The present indifferent culture has to change.

In high school, I played basketball, volleyball, soccer, baseball, badminton - two sports every season - and I was named female athlete of the year twice.

There is talk that badminton may not make it as a sport in the 2020 Olympics. We must bear in mind that other sports are strongly lobbying to be included.

I hope the BWF (Badminton World Federation) will seriously do something about the Olympic qualifying format or risk getting badminton dropped from the Games.

Of course, in China, there's already plenty of people who like badminton. I'm hoping more foreigners, Americans, and other countries can get into this sport.

Outside boxing, I did well in cross country competitions and I won a schoolboys' doubles badminton tournament at once. I was pleased because it was a hobby to me.

We do the majority of what most athletes do. For example, as a badminton player, you have to be able to run a long distance and sprint. We do weights three times a week.

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