In my heart of hearts I believe I was made to entertain.

I believe that, deep down at heart, I'm a football player.

In my heart, I believe I'm a top flight comedian and a top flight rapper.

I believe with all my heart that the Church of Jesus Christ should be a Church of blurred edges.

In my conscience, I believe that my heart has been so oft on fire that it is absolutely vitrified.

I believe that I have received Jesus Christ into my heart. I believe that he has covered all of my sins.

I believe with all my heart that the American classroom teachers are one of our greatest and most heroic treasures.

Is there something in my genetic makeup that makes me more at risk for heart disease? I believe there is. My father was the sign.

I believe with all my heart that civilization has produced nothing finer than a man or woman who thinks and practices true tolerance.

It is my moral obligation to vote for Biden because I do not believe that Trump is a decent person and I believe in my heart that Biden is.

Abe Ribicoff believes in that American dream. I believe it from the bottom of my heart, and your sons and daughters, too, can have the American dream come true.

And their conviction is that if it is done with that kind of purity it will go somewhere. I believe that with all my heart, but I'm not responsible for its going somewhere.

I think of stress as the creator of cancer and heart attacks, like a tiny little ball you feed. I believe that one of the reasons I've never got ill is that I'm not stressed.

I'm making this decision based on whether I believe in my heart that I'm ready to be president of the United States and that I want to be president of the United States right now.

I believe leaving school early was the right decision to make, but at first, I wasn't sure. But my coaches told me to follow my heart and there wouldn't be any regrets, and that's exactly what I did.

This issue, if not addressed, leaves any President, including George Bush, open to the criticism that they are essentially ignoring the destruction of the nation and I believe that with all my heart.

I've gotten scripts over the years, but I believe it was the stories of 'Moonlight' and 'Hidden Figures' that really touched my heart and aligned with the messages that I felt were extremely important to me.

My writing, like everything I do, comes profoundly from my heart. I believe that if you follow your heart you will be successful in one way or another. Old-fashioned as that might sound, the philosophy is true.

I think of guitar players in terms of doctors: you have the doctor for your heart, the cardiologist, then one that works on your feet, your leg. But I believe George Benson is the one that plays all over. To me, he would be the M.D. of them all.

I believe in the fact that an audience has one heart. I can just tell you one thing: If I sing the 'Adagio,' and I pull it out with all the honesty I have - whether they're Japanese, Italian, American or Belgian or French - they will react in the same way.

I believe that the financial crisis of 2008/9 exposed more a lack of ethics and morality - especially by the financial sector - rather than a problem of regulation or criminality. There were, of course, regulatory lessons to be learned, but at heart, there was a collective loss of our moral compass.

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