Maybe I am a bit mad.

Being different is good; embrace it.

You are a saucy little thing aren't you?

Good is not enough. You've got to be great.

Rules equal boredom, and I don't like that.

The only magazines I read are car magazines.

Anything I shouldn't laugh at makes me laugh.

Most things in music go full circle eventually.

I break up very well. I am a good breaker-upper.

I never knew how much love and pride I would feel.

People confuse ego, lust, insecurity with true love.

I've always treated the music business as a business.

Holding auditions in front of an audience is testing.

It's not my habit to kiss and tell. I've never done it.

It would hurt my feelings if I respected your opinions.

Sincerity is romantic. I don't think you need gestures.

You always want to go to a party where you get an invite.

It was like orderin a hamburger and getting only the buns

It's not our intention to be mean. That's just within us.

If I was gay, why wouldn't I admit it? It wouldn't harm me.

That was extraordinary. Unfortunately, extraordinarily bad.

You know what the secret to weight loss is? Don't eat much.

Britain's got talent, enormous talent, that's very obvious.

Britain's got talent, enormous talent; that's very obvious.

You didn't beat the compotition you crushed the compotition!

No one really has any job security anymore, including myself.

I have always hated celebrities lecturing people on politics.

My own saying is: 'Create the hype, but don't ever believe it.'

You don't hate the mosquito; you just want it out of your face.

So I would only feel guilt if I misled somebody who was terrible.

Talking to celebrities is too much effort. They all think the same.

My attitude is, if someone's going to criticize me, tell me to my face.

When you get your first pay cheque, it's the best feeling in the world.

When you're making a reality show, you can't even plan a week ahead now.

As an actor, I really like Philip Seymour Hoffman. I think he's a genius.

I probably get more satisfaction from making a show than being on a show.

I didn't have any qualifications when I left school - I had three O-levels.

If you only ever heard Lady Gaga, she's the most boring singer in the world.

When I look at it now, the whole punk thing is sort of comedy in a weird way.

I do a couple of hundred press-ups a day but I haven't been to a gym in years.

What luxury would I take to a desert island? A mirror. It's true. I'd miss me.

My advice would be if you want to pursue a career in the music business, don't.

Anyone who goes on 'The X Factor' to make big money will be in for a big shock.

Shave off your beard and wear a dress. You would be a great female impersonator.

I still put punctuation in my texts. If it's an 'I', I make sure it's a capital.

I think that by ignoring the show you're ignoring the audience who put you there.

If you've got a big mouth and you're controversial, you're going to get attention.

At 20, you're cocky and you think you can rule the world, and you get it all wrong.

I actually don't understand a word Paula's saying anymore. It's like a new language.

The best way to kill someone is from the inside, by crushing their hopes and dreams.

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