I believe that I am male and I am female.

I am an outspoken person. I believe in what I say.

I believe that I am in hell, therefore I am there.

I am a capitalist and I believe in making a profit.

I believe that I am a hat designer, not a milliner.

We are all worms. But I believe that I am a glow-worm.

I am where I am because I believe in all possibilities.

I believe I am more intelligent than the average person.

I am not a very complex person. I believe in simplicity.

I believe that I am one of the greats of this generation.

I believe I am strengthening the Constitution with my case.

I am not embarrassed to tell you that I believe in miracles.

I have a problem with the star tag itself. I believe I am an actor.

I believe I am a character actor who likes to hide behind my characters.

While I believe in marriage as an institution, I am also petrified of it.

I believe I am a moderate Democrat: I am pro-business and also progressive.

I believe I am entitled like any other person to have the presumption of innocence.

I believe in a big Australia. I am an advocate for an ambitious immigration program.

As an artiste, I believe that I am not my own property. I am the property of my fans.

I believe in glamour. I am in favor of a little vanity. I don't rely on just my genes.

I believe in the verb, not the noun - I am not a writer, but someone compelled to write.

I believe I am a brilliant and gifted guide, that I have been given a tremendous intuition.

By definition, I believe I am unapologetically optimistic and I am unapologetically earnest.

I believe I have voted for both Democrats and Republicans. Am I either one? Absolutely not. Ladies and gentlemen, I am an American.

I believe that I am a different person off the pitch than I am on it. On the pitch, I am a bit louder, and off the pitch, I am quieter.

I believe I am blessed with the ability to fall asleep just about anytime, anywhere. I can sleep on a flight, on a couch, and even on a bus.

I believe Donald Trump is a bona fide authoritarian. I am deeply concerned that if he were president of the United States, he would act accordingly.

I am still a socialist. I am a left-of-center politician. I believe that in Africa, if you see the poverty around us, you can't afford to be anything else.

I am a big fan of the following priorities: first the country, then the party and then the person. I believe that this gives credibility and I want to be credible.

I am very committed to the FBI being agile in its tackling of foreign threats. But I believe you can be agile and still scrupulously follow our rules, policies and processes.

My own bias in folkloristics is decidedly psychoanalytic. I believe that the vast majority of folklore concerns fantasy, and because of that, I am persuaded that techniques of analyzing fantasy are relevant to folklore data.

I believe President Trump is more reasonable than he is generally perceived. President Trump uses strong rhetoric toward North Korea, but during the election campaign, he also said he could talk over a burger with Kim Jong-un. I am for that kind of pragmatic approach to resolve the North Korean nuclear issue.

It has been said that I am not a 'real' Libertarian. A certain faction of the Party has come to believe that the writings of Ayn Rand and Milton Friedman are the holy texts of Libertarianism, and I disagree. I believe that the Libertarian movement is and should be more encompassing than the narrow-minded advocacy of economic anarchy.

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