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I am not shy about my personal life.

Neeraj Pandey is a very smart director.

Priyanka Chopra has made a huge impact on me.

Whenever I am working or training, I feel good.

When it comes to fashion, follow your instinct.

I love the rain and everything about the monsoons!

It has taken me time to get used to the limelight.

Jackie Chan is the best storyteller on this planet.

I'm constantly working towards my personal improvement.

I am not a very complex person. I believe in simplicity.

I think colouring your hair is the best way to get a new look.

We have freedom of speech, and anybody's idea can't be a fact.

I love Priyanka Chopra mainly because she is a self-made woman.

Sometimes you don't have to say anything. Silence speaks it all.

Use coconut oil to remove makeup, and do it before going to bed.

I was doing B.Tech in Noida, but I dropped out in my second year.

I want to do everything and not get stuck with just one type of roles.

Stories matter to me. I look for a good script, story, and a strong part.

I was more of a commercial model. I wasn't into ramp walks or photo shoots.

I am learning aerobics and gymnastics, so I would love to do an action film.

Frankly, I am boring. My life is all about the film set, gym classes, and home.

People have certain expectations from me, and I want to do different characters.

I have never planned anything. 'Kung Fu Yoga' was also never planned or anything.

My house was a place where there was no difference between being a boy or a girl.

I'm not sure if this is a good thing or not, but I'm not a very competitive person.

People may say different things about Noida, but I had fun when I was staying there.

Don't be afraid to wear fancy dress-up pieces with your everyday denim jeans/shorts.

I like dancing but not in crowded clubs. I would rather dance alone than go to a club.

It is very difficult for me to accept the fact that I am acting in front of the camera.

I am mostly concerned about the script. If I get something that excites me, I will do it.

I don't think I am an icon. My team works hard on my look; I just wear what they suggest.

Modelling is completely different from acting. They are two skills that you can't compare.

From my childhood, I have watched a lot of action films, and I am a big fan of Jackie Chan.

I want to be a part of 'Avengers'; they can make me the Hulk! I want to do a superhero film.

As I grew up, I started practising gymnastics. I love dancing as well. So that keeps me fit.

I look forward to being part of the ASUS family and its fascinating growth journey in India.

If you feel comfortable and cool in particular clothes, then that is fashion according to me.

People assume that acting is an easy job. When you actually do it, you know how hard that is.

I got the opportunity, and I grabbed it, and slowly, I started finding a lot of interest in acting.

I myself get nervous when I write something on social media. I make sure I don't write anything wrong.

I consider myself extremely fortunate, and I am more happy for all the attention that I constantly garner.

There are days when I want to feel cool, sexy, goofy, and at these times, fashion helps me define my mood.

I am an actress. My first film was a Telugu film, my second film was Bollywood, and third was Indo-Chinese.

I wash my face with a good cleanser and then dab some rose water on my face. I do this before I head to bed.

I was always into sports, and as a sportsperson, you need to be fit to survive and play from start to finish.

In Bollywood, on an average, movies are made in six months or a year, but Puri completed 'Loafer' in two months.

Conditioning is very important when it comes to hair. One should oil hair on a regular basis for hair nourishment.

I don't take others' views seriously because that isn't a fact. I do respect everyone's view, but I am not affected.

I wake up, go for dance class, and do the same things that I used to do. I am very asocial. I don't go out too often.

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