Argentina have always had the best strikers in the world.

I've always envisioned working with the best directors in the world.

Baseball was, is and always will be to me the best game in the world.

I always dreamed of being on center court, playing the best in the world.

I don't think there's any dearth of talent in India - we've always had the best juniors in the world.

I've always said that Pantera fans were the best in the world, and I truly meant that, and I still mean it.

I try not to make comparisons between who I've coached. And I haven't always coached the best in the world.

Australia's got some of the best girls in the world. They are very fit, very athletic and always by the beach.

The crowd down in Australia is always so energetic, some of the best crowds in the world to perform in front of.

My father always said, 'I don't care if you're a ditch digger, as long as you're the best ditch digger in the world.'

My dad always told me, 'I don't care what you do. Just aim to be the best at it. Even if it's the world's best window cleaner.'

I've always said that besides the NBA, the Yugoslavian league and a Russian league were the best basketball leagues in the world.

When I was five, 10, 15 years old, I always dreamed of being in the best league in the world, playing with some of the best clubs.

I can always spot an Australian queen by her high, high end wig. Australian drag queens have the best hair in the world - the best.

The best companies in the world have all had predecessors. 'YouTube' was a dating site. You always have to evolve into something else.

I think the winning scores are always pretty much the same but it's a very big deal to sort of prove yourself against some of the world's best.

It has always been my dream to be at Barcelona, and now I'm here; I'm very happy. It is the best club in the world with the best players in the world.

To those who have always wondered how they might best serve the wider world, wildlife conservation is, at its core, one of the purest forms of giving.

I always say that Madrid must have the best players, as this is the best club in the world. But it is not for me to say which players should be signed.

Messi is always compared to Maradona, but he needs to win the World Cup because if you don't win the World Cup, you can't be up there with the very best.

To eat well, I always disagree with critics who say that all restaurants should be fine dining. You can get a Michelin star if you serve the best hamburger in the world.

I will always be grateful to Arsenal for bringing me into the best league in the world, but Swansea have given me what I always wanted, and as No. 1, I want to pay them back.

If you weren't a risk-taker, you were always going to be a step behind. You could be the best cyclist in the world, but if you weren't a risk-taker, you weren't going to win the Tour de France.

I match up with the best guys in the world. I'm not being cocky; it's just always how I felt. But I got into trouble as soon as I got into the NBA, and it left a bad taste in a lot of people's mouths.

I have a feeling we are going to be world champions, I can't really explain why. Brazil are probably the best team in the world in terms of individual players. But the team with the most gifted players do not always win.

The best clubs in the world are always the clubs where you have a variety of people. Like, you have the crazy people, you have the nicely dressed people, you have the office people, you have the regular guys - that makes it fun.

Improvisation is almost like the retarded cousin in the comedy world. We've been trying forever to get improvisation on TV. It's just like stand-up. It's best when it's just left alone. It doesn't translate always on TV. It's best live.

I always like to reveal the fact that the emperor has no clothes. And children are best at that. They teach us how to see the world in that sense. They are without artifice; they see it for what it is. I am drawn to that ruthless honesty.

I've always thought that, as a romance writer, I had the best job in the world. I sit around all day making up emotion-drenched, conflict-laden stories that push my heroes and heroines to the edge of sanity. Then I give them a happy ending.

I hate cameras. I hate cameras and I hate camera phones. The camera's my worst enemy and my best friend. It's the way I convey my emotions to the world without saying a word, so I use it. People always say, 'You come alive as soon as the camera's on!'

People think we're only into big buildings, but iconic houses have always been the real interest. We own 11 of the world's top hotels and all the support services needed to keep them running. Trump properties have to be the best - clubs, hotels, houses.

You don't go to school to become the best chef in the world right after you graduate. School is always a starting point so what people forget is that you go to school to build a foundation, and you want to build a foundation that's not going to crumble.

I'm from Minnesota and have always lived there. And my competitive career actually started in the late '90s racing motocross, which then turned into racing snowmobiles professionally. I turned pro in 2003, racing with the best in the world and living my dream as a professional athlete.

I don't like the collusion between high fashion design and high street. You have to know where you stand. I belong to luxury fashion. That's what I've always felt and embraced. I like the best quality, the best fabrics and the most creative field in fashion. I will stay consistent. I belong to this world.

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