It was difficult for me because I was searching for the answer for so long, and the answer was right in front of me. Do what I do best.

I'm pathologically incapable of making decisions. Just ask my wife how long it took me to propose - on second thought, best not to bring it up.

Hyderabad's quite a familiar place to me! One of my best friends stays here in Jubilee Hills. Her house was where I used to crash after a long day.

People called me 'Slim' and 'Daddy Long Legs.' My best friend Martine named me Daddy Long Legs after she saw me running track. She was making fun of me!

Everyone's surprised when they meet me. I guess it's because I've played tough cookies for so long... It's what I do best. I'm not sure I could pull off a genteel Southern belle.

It's been a long road of self-transformation for me, and I'm so grateful for the care I received at NYU Langone with Dr. Rachel Bluebond-Langer, one of the best transgender surgery specialists in the country.

One of the best things that ever happened to me was Rocky Horror being a total flop in New York as a play. I mean, it was a disaster, and it was the night of the long knives as far as the critics were concerned.

For me, the best way to unwind at the end of the day while I'm pregnant is to take a nice, long soak. I get in my bathtub, download a show onto my computer, prop it up on a chair, and just lie there watching and relaxing.

I am fortunate that I have two older brothers, and they have definitely helped me with being competitive just to keep up with them. We were always encouraged to try what we wanted to do. As long as we tried our hardest and did the best we could, it didn't matter what we did.

After a training camp workout, my body is eager to replace nutrients and energy that are lost during the workout. It's best to have a quick bite about 30 minutes after practice. I like to have yogurt and granola, the combination of carbs and protein helps me recover after a long and tiring workout.

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