I still feel like my best surfing is ahead of me.

I feel that 'Saudagar' was the best debut for me. I wouldn't want it any other way.

For me, the best moments in storytelling are the ones where I feel I'm discovering something.

I push for what I think can be the best, and if I feel they're not going for the best, it kills me.

One of the best things that ever happened to me is that I'm a woman. That is the way all females should feel.

For me, the goal is to make the most of each player, play them in the position they feel best in. And then repeat, repeat, repeat.

The best feeling I ever get is when I finish a song, and it exists, and it didn't exist before, and now it's there, and it makes me feel a certain way.

It made me hungry. I feel like I'm in a program that really helped me individually as a player. I feel like I'm with a group of guys that are like my best friends.

If I do my very best, then the camera and the audience will follow me, and eventually they will somehow feel like I feel. I don't have to show it to them. I don't have to speak it out loud.

The thing that makes me feel the most confident is definitely my smile. I like that my smile and my facial expressions really show what I'm feeling, and my smile is the best way to show that I'm happy.

I feel like I haven't done the best in environments that aren't conducive to me doing well, and I have to do that. Because times are going to get tough, and I'm going to have to let things slide off my back.

I don't even think of it as a strategy. It's me in my element; it's my forte. Me being with all the mandem on the ends, spitting to an old school grime riddim, is me in my element; that's when I feel I'm at my best.

I feel like there's a voice in my head, always, telling me every idea is brilliant, and another telling me every idea is the worst. And they argue in my head until somebody wins, until I solicit an audience to be, like, 'Will you help me figure this out? Is this the best or the worst idea?' And they tell me!

The Rolling Stones have been the best of all possible worlds: they have the lack of pretension and sentimentality associated with the blues, the rawness and toughness of hard rock, and the depth which always makes you feel that they are in the midst of saying something. They have never impressed me as being kitsch.

I feel really lucky in that all of the projects I worked on I've been comfortable saying, 'I don't want to wear this.' No one has forced me into being anything I don't want to be. On 'Neighbors,' being chubbier than the other two actresses, I was like, 'Am I gonna get the chubby girl wardrobe?' But I ended up liking my wardrobe the best.

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