When you pay your money to see me, I want you to have the best concert you can have from me.

I worked with everybody, the best, and they actually paid me money to stand next to the people I idolized.

No hours, nor amount of labor, nor amount of money would deter me from giving the best that there was in me.

The best money advice ever given me was from my father. When I was a little girl, he told me, 'Don't spend anything unless you have to.'

I just want to fight and be remembered as the best, who fought everyone and beat them. Then the money, the numbers, the records, they all chase me.

I've told the UFC brass I want big fights: fights that are going to put money in their pockets and money in my pockets and staple me as one of the best of all-time.

Everybody speaks about City having lots of money, but it is not about that. It is about ambition, and I have spoken to Coach Mancini, and he told me, 'This is the best club for you.'

I didn't take the fight with Michael Grant because the timing wasn't right. They offered me a lot of money, but it wasn't in my best interest to take that fight. They were trying to use me to build up Michael Grant.

I've always felt toward the slightest scene, even if all I had to do in a scene was just to come in and say, 'Hi,' that the people ought to get their money's worth and that this is an obligation of mine, to give them the best you can get from me.

I've given some money to the scholarships in the District of Columbia, to the best students in D.C... many of the students have written me letters telling me they could not have afforded to go to college without the scholarship and money I've given them.

We never had the most money, but my parents always did their best to take care of me and my brother. I had a real small but tight group of friends, and we would just ride our bikes all day after school and play video games, or we would actually wrestle out in the backyard.

If you put me in charge of the medical research budget, I would cancel all primary research, I would cancel all new trials, for just one year, and I would spend the money exclusively on making sure that we make the best possible use of the clinical evidence that we already have.

The best thing I ever did was when I was offered a million dollars to go play in South Africa and didn't take it. I was 21 years old, and part of it was like, 'Well, if they're offering me this obscene amount of money just to play one match, there must be something really wrong.'

When strangers walk up to me and want to play golf for money, I worry. I wonder why they're coming to me, and I begin asking questions: When did you start playing? What's your best score? Are you playing your best golf right now? Where do you play? Usually I can tell if they're lying.

My parents spent an awful lot of money sending me to the best possible schools, and I came out of my exams and thought, 'I don't really want to do a degree.' I did philosophy with the Jesuits for about a year, and then I joined a bank. While I was there, I saw an ad in an Irish paper for radio announcers.

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