I never believed I was the best fighter in the world.

I never set out to beat the world. I just set out to do my absolute best.

I never said I was the best in anything. I never said I'm an icon. The world decides all of that.

I played against the Brazilians in '82, who were definitely the best team never to have won the World Cup.

We were at our best when we were playing in the dance halls of Liverpool and Hamburg. The world never saw that.

I've never been bothered about being the highest wicket-taker in the world or the best South African bowler in the world.

Maybe it's a generational thing, but I never wanted to be the best black dancer in the world. I just wanted to be the best.

One of the best things about being in a band is that we're so lucky to be able to travel the world. It takes us to all these cities that we've never seen before.

You paint what you know best; what you went through as a teenager and child. My world is the one I got to know in Medellin; I never paint anything else other than that.

I'd never ask an actor to do something I couldn't do - not that I'm the best actor in the world - but if I can do it, then I know that anyone I hire can do these things.

Paolo Maldini never won, but he was the best defender in the world. Gianluigi Buffon never won; he was the best goalkeeper in the world for many years. But this is the story of the Ballon d'Or.

Liturgy and worship were never meant to be confined to the cathedrals and sanctuaries. Liturgy at its best can be performed like a circus or theater - making the Gospel visible as a witness to the world around us.

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