I loved Marlon Brando: my favorite actor.

I was the Marlon Brando of my generation.

Brando's one of the greats; what can you say?

I was the female Marlon Brando of my generation.

You can't see California without Marlon Brando's eyes.

I'm not Jack Nicholson. I'm not Brando. But I do mumble.

I love Marlon Brando. Never seem him bad, just less good.

Personally, I react to Marlon Brando. He's a favorite of mine.

If Fred Astaire is the Cary Grant of dance, I'm the Marlon Brando.

I said to Tennessee, this thing is becoming the Marlon Brando show.

I've worked with wonderful actors like Marlon Brando and Henry Fonda.

Anyone of my generation who tells you he hasn't 'done Brando' is lying.

If Brando can do Capote and I can do Brando - well then, I can do Capote.

One of Brando's problems is that he can't have a conversation with anyone.

It was just the thrill of a lifetime. Brando and Hackman were two of my heroes.

My biggest influences as an actor were Marlon Brando, and I really dug James Dean.

The most realistic blood I've seen is when Marlon Brando gets beat up in On The Waterfront.

I admired Marlon Brando as I grew up. I though he was one of the finest screen actors around.

Working with Brando was fun. It was like a tennis match. We played unbelievably well together.

I'd like to win an Oscar and then refuse it so I can protest the way they've treated Marlon Brando.

But the people I admire have always been people like Marlon Brando, Jack Nicholson and Jack Lemmon.

It was sort of his 'Brando' moment - his very 'method' moment. He just absorbed it and continued on.

When I grew into a teenager, I became obsessed with Marlon Brando, Montgomery Cliff, and James Dean.

Every actor tries to come to Broadway be it Richard Burton, Marlon Brando or Liz Taylor or Shirley McClain.

Acting is all about big hair and funny props... All the great actors knew it. Olivier knew it, Brando knew it.

Marlon [Brando] showed me that you could do the work and not have to shut yourself off from people or your family.

Sometimes you wanna be James Bond, and sometimes you wanna be Marlon Brando until you realize you can't be either!

Next to my husband, and along with Marlon Brando, I think that Yves Montand is the most attractive man I've ever met.

Growing up, I loved films like 'A Streetcar Named Desire' and 'On the Waterfront' and became a huge fan of Marlon Brando.

The thing about Brando was that I'd make these directions, and he'd walk away. He'd heard enough... to get the machine going.

Marlon Brando came up to me many, many years ago. He wanted me to do a little doodle for him on the back of an airline ticket.

When I got the job on 'Cursed Child,' I was doing another show in the West End, and I was playing a part that Marlon Brando had played.

I love Marlon Brando and James Dean. That was when it was all about the star and the script. Nowadays, everything has to be action-packed.

My dad was my hero when I was a young boy. And then it's a toss-up between Han Solo, the New Zealand All Blacks Rugby team, and Marlon Brando.

If I am duly compared to Marlon Brando at all, well, I can only think of The Teahouse of the 'Shanghai Noon,' that they're comparing me to that!

'Whatever it takes' is my opinion of method acting and, indeed, any other kind of acting. Look at Brando and De Niro. But it's not my cup of tea.

'The Simpsons' is like Charlie Parker or Marlon Brando or Richard Pryor: Comedy couldn't go back to the way it was after 'The Simpsons' came out.

I mean, the actors that I admired were Marlon Brando, Montgomery Clift, an actress named Barbara Harris. And Greta Garbo. They were great actors.

I think of myself as a journeyman actor. I've got some talent and I work hard, but people like Brando or Pacino - those people are touched by God.

On my wall, along with my favorite football players and baseball players, I had Marlon Brando and Sir Laurence Olivier. These were childhood idols.

Everyone's inspired by Brando. When I started acting, my dad showed me 'On the Waterfront,' and I thought, 'That's the coolest guy I've ever seen.'

Brando's a family friend. His mother gave my father a shot to be in a play at the Omaha Community Playhouse. That was the first production he was in.

I grew up watching Marlon Brando, Christopher Walken, Robert de Niro, and Al Pacino and even Robert Duvall and was impressed by their caliber of work.

I figure there are a few actors like Marlon Brando, George C. Scott and Laurence Olivier who have been touched by the hand of God. I'm in the next bunch.

I know this'll sound obnoxious, but acting was very much an accident for me. I didn't have, like, posters of Marlon Brando in my bedroom when I was growing up.

Marlon Brando changed everything for actors. After him, everyone wanted to be Marlon. No one wanted to be a type: they all wanted to display versatility in every role.

Most actors are like, 'I want to be more like Marlon Brando.' But when I was a little kid, I just wanted to be an action hero! Then I grew up, and my interests were different.

I had life threats, because people accused me of approaching Brando as God and his son was Jesus. I literally had people saying my blood would run in the streets for doing that.

Marlon Brando. The finest actor who ever lived. He was my idol when I was 13. He's done enough work to last two lifetimes. Everything I do, I think: Can Brando play this with me?

I've tried like hell to make bad movies good, and I can't. Maybe Marlon Brando has been able to do that at times. But even he has a hard time making 'The Appaloosa' a good movie.

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