I'm a kibitzer with a broad portfolio.

I love comedies, both broad and subtle.

I write 'Broad City,' so I connect it to me.

I have a very broad range of life experiences.

I'm a man of eclectic and wide and broad taste.

I'm portrayed as this tough broad, but I'm not.

My vision and my creative ability is just so broad.

I'd love to do a really broad comedy at some point.

I think the Republican party should be a broad party.

What I love about 'American Idol' is that it's broad.

Our birthdays are feathers in the broad wing of time.

A lot of the stuff I do is broad, physical, quite silly.

'Scary Movie' is very broad, and the reality is extreme.

I've been lucky to play characters that are really broad.

I'm too young for Medicare and too old for broads to care.

I'm good at the broad strokes but hopeless at the details.

I'm too tall to be a girl. I'm between a chick and a broad.

Blockchain technologies will change transactions in a broad way.

The Obama foreign policy, in broad strokes, has been a disaster.

We think of bitcoin as mobile. It's not one company; it's broad.

I definitely feel like my blog is going edgy to broad and boring.

There's a broad range of fashion: knitwear, textiles, journalism.

Whenever I start a project, I have a broad range of possibilities.

I think Canadian humor is a little less broad than American humor.

Globalization requires taking a broad contextual and long-term view.

Our ideas must be as broad as Nature if they are to interpret Nature.

If the script is right, I'm not above doing a movie with broad appeal.

I've always wanted a broad range of options and to not get pigeonholed.

It is reckless to make broad generalizations about any group of people.

Only by working together, as a broad coalition, can the Leave side win.

Doctor Who' is such a broad show. It's got the whole universe to explore.

We have a broad range of snackers - moms, kids and healthy active people.

I've known Stuart Broad since he was a child, living up the road from me.

The broad brush of stereotyping is what least appeals to people of color.

I have a broad range of interests, so I'll always be working on something.

Middle age is when your broad mind and narrow waist begin to change places.

Stand-up is very broad strokes, kind of a skeleton of a story or something.

The world of learning is so broad, and the human soul is so limited in power!

There's a fine line between being sweet and innocent and being a tough broad.

We were soon free of the woods and bushes, and fairly upon the broad prairie.

I've been very fortunate to be part of projects that are really big and broad.

I like people that are real people. Real people are broad; they make mistakes.

All political parties, if they are to be successful, have to be broad churches.

I love it when novels contain a broad cast of characters, including queer ones.

I'm focusing on the issues that bring people together and build broad majorities.

Emotion is a broad spectrum and I just been to a lot of sides of my own emotions.

Broad tolerance in the matter of beliefs is necessarily a part of the new ethics.

I'm not a broad comic, but I think I can be funny and I think I make people laugh.

I've assembled a team with a broad variety of experiences to lead my Senate office.

Americans are pragmatic, relatively uncomplicated, hearty and given to broad humor.

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