Lovers. Not a soft word, as people thought, but cruel and tearing.

Hearts will never be practical until they can be made unbreakable.

Congratulations. I knew the record would stand until it was broken.

You will put on a dress of guilt and shoes with broken high ideals.

Once upon a time I was falling in love, now I'm only falling apart.

It's hard asking someone with a broken heart to fall in love again.

It's not love's going hurts my days But that it went in little ways.

The chains that bind us the most closely are the ones we have broken.

It's the ones who resist that we most want to kiss, wouldn't you say?

It is not the broken heart that kills, but broken pride, monseigneur.

Know that no one is capable of making you upset without your consent.

When you break up, your whole identity is shattered. It's like death.

Yes, I will go. I would rather grieve over your absence than over you.

Love is the hardest habit to break, and the most difficult to satisfy.

Be careful what you set your heart upon - for it will surely be yours.

A broken bone can heal, but the wound a word opens can fester forever.

Let no one who loves be unhappy, even love unreturned has its rainbow.

If you don't love me at my worst, then you don't deserve me at my best.

It is some relief to weep; grief is satisfied and carried off by tears.

When you leave, weary of me, without a word, I shall gently let you go.

I'm holding a teardrop for a friend Until his heartache and misery end.

The human heart is as a frail craft on which we wish to reach the stars.

You know, a heart can be broken, but it keeps on beating, just the same.

I don't think Hank's home run record will ever be broken. There's no way.

Numbing the pain for a while will make it worse when you finally feel it.

A divorce is like an amputation: you survive it, but there's less of you.

Only when you are lost can love find itself in you without losing its way.

Love is a state in which a man sees things most decidedly as they are not.

Too long a sacrifice can make a stone of the heart. O when may it suffice?

I screwed her over. I didn't want to see her screwed over by someone else.

Marriage, children-you never expect it to end in tragedy. Unless you're me.

To fall in love is awfully simple, but to fall out of love is simply awful.

Would you love a man of a broken shell after the passing of a women's soul?

Sorrow is the mere rust of the soul. Activity will cleanse and brighten it.

Where evil habits are once settled, they are more easily broken than mended.

If you love deeply, you're going to get hurt badly. But it's still worth it.

The sweeter the apple, the blacker the core. Scratch a lover and find a foe!

The head learns new things, but the heart forever practices old experiences.

I'm really a very happy, contented little person in spite of my broken heart.

my feet will want to walk to where you are sleeping but I shall go on living.

Love is something that hangs up behind the bathroom door and smells of Lysol.

So cry if you need to but I can't stay to watch you It's the wrong thing to do

The emotion that can break your heart is sometimes the very one that heals it.

Thus the whole country was broken into many shreds and patches of sovereignty.

Don't cry when the sun is gone, because the tears won't let you see the stars.

No matter how bad your heart is broken, the world doesn't stop for your grief.

The greater your capacity to love, the greater your capacity to feel the pain.

Our greatest joy and our greatest pain comes in our relationships with others.

It's easy to be led astray when you're so broken. People take advantage of you.

My heart has been stolen too - but I've gone and got it back every single time!

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