One day there'll be no need for me. I'm actually hoping to put myself out of business.

I'm trying to do it my way. For me to be happy in the business means I have to do it myself.

I think of myself more as a workhorse actor. It will be hot and cold and up and down, but no one will kick me out of the business.

I cut my hair myself and colour it. I know everybody in the hairdressing business despairs of me, but it's so much easier to do it yourself.

You check to see the facts are correct where business is concerned but if I read everything that was written about me, I'd end up feeling totally insecure about myself.

I had never created my own business before. I had always been the gun to hire... But I had to finally say, nobody is going to give me my dream job, so I better figure it out myself.

Some folks actually talk a whole lot more than me, so I'm grateful for the people like Cliff Bleszinski. He talks about our games, and Mark Rein talks about our business strategy. I'm the shy programmer myself.

I think, at some point in my wrestling career, I took myself way too seriously, and I took the wrestling business way too seriously. It probably helped sour me on the whole process. It probably helped burn me out.

I'm 47 years old. I couldn't compete with Beyonce. I'm not competing with anyone. I've already established myself as an artist. I've been in this business for 30 years. There's no reason for me to compete with anyone.

It doesn't interest me to be Harrison Ford. It interests me to be Mike Pomeroy and Indiana Jones and Jack Ryan. I don't want to be in the Harrison Ford business. I take what I do seriously, but I don't take myself seriously.

After hurting myself like that, I could not go back immediately to racing. I was in no condition, mentally or physically. That helped me to strengthen myself to go through the hard times that were ahead with my business, and to be successful.

I don't want to say I took myself too seriously, but I put a lot of pressure on myself coming out of school. I saw so many people leave the business behind, certain opportunities disappear for folks who had to go into other professions. That kind of terrified me. As a result, I wanted things to happen really quickly.

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