Jimmy Butler is a winner.

I would love a robot butler.

I'm actually the #1 Ross Butler stan.

Keith Butler is a very good football coach.

Gerard Butler is like a big kid; he's so nice.

I think I'd take a human butler over a robot one.

Octavia Butler, of course, is brilliant and disturbing.

My full name is Ross Fleming Butler; it's very British-Irish.

I went back-to-back from 'Paperboy' to 'Butler,' literally with no break.

If I could be anyone, I'd choose the lead singer of Arcade Fire, Win Butler.

The people of Butler Island spoke to me and demanded I bear witness for them.

I used to do impersonations: Harry Butler in the wild, or I'd do Gough Whitlam.

What makes Butler truly unique is the people that we have been so blessed to work with.

I don't agree with any form of butler, so definitely not a robot one. It's lazy, so a bad idea.

Wives in their husbands' absences grow subtler, And daughters sometimes run off with the butler.

As far as I'm concerned, 'whom' is a word that was invented to make everyone sound like a butler.

I think this last film I finished, 'The Butler,' is the closest I will come to as a work-for-hire.

Ah, the patter of little feet around the house. There's nothing like having a midget for a butler.

Octavia Butler was more interested in writing a good story than in worrying about where to slot it.

When I was starting to write, the great influence was T.S. Eliot and after that William Butler Yeats.

I wouldn't want to be reincarnated as a butler. I couldn't for the life of me do the job in real life.

I have these plants in my house that are dying, so having a robot butler to water them when I'm away would be pretty handy.

I'd love to work with Gerry Butler, Alan Cummings, and Ewan McGregor. It'd be amazing if we could do a Scottish Hollywood movie.

Rhett Butler is very mysterious. He disappears, he reappears, God knows where he goes. We know nothing about his family to speak of.

Of all the great moments at Butler, I still remember the losses most vividly. I don't know why. I guess that's kind of what drives you.

I'd been dating my husband for about a year, and I'd already kissed George Clooney, Ashton Kutcher and Gerard Butler. Awesome year, right?

One of my greatest regrets in coaching is the Butler Final Four runs, because if I would have been a seasoned coach, I think we would have won.

We truly love Butler University and Indianapolis and are very thankful to have had the opportunity to celebrate so many wonderful things together.

I carry my iPod everywhere. My favorite group is the John Butler Trio, an Australian jam band. The lead singer and guitarist writes amazing lyrics.

I think the way Win Butler writes, I really identify with it. He writes very emotionally and very cinematically, and I just connect with his sensibility.

When people say what is 'Gone With the Wind' about, they say it's a love story between Rhett Butler and Scarlett O'Hara. But Mammy is almost a third party.

I've been a huge Psychedelic Furs fan for a long time. I love Butler's paintings, too. I like all their songs. I'll even crank 'Pretty in Pink,' I don't care.

I've been blessed to have a lot of mentors in my life that just have been good people and hard workers. Jae Crowder is one of them; Jimmy Butler is one of them.

Obviously, I like guys that can defend other positions. Draymond Green is doing a great job with Golden State. Jimmy Butler brings it every night when I'm out there.

The star power is who is playing at an All-Star level, a top 12 level, and that's Jimmy Butler. He's become one of the best players in the league, a terrific two-way player.

I'm more to my family than a wonderful, luminous cook. I'm also a wonderful, luminous butler and a wonderful, luminous chauffer. And checkbook. I'm a luminous checkbook, too.

Octavia Butler often described herself as an outsider, but within science fiction, she was loved as an insider, someone who was a fan first and came to S.F. writing as an enthusiastic reader.

Butler's novel 'Kindred' may be the book most widely read by readers outside science fiction; it has been assigned as a text in classrooms and has sold steadily since its publication in 1979.

People think that I grew up going to Barneys for my back-to-school clothes. I went to the Gap. We lived in a nice house on a cul-de-sac, but it wasn't a mansion. We didn't have a butler or a maid.

I follow the teachings of Major General Smedley Darlington Butler, United States Marine Corps. He won two Congressional Medals of Honor, and he wrote the highly controversial antiwar book 'War is a Racket.'

My partner, Danny Strong, came to me with this idea of telling a story about my life and merging that with music and the hip-hop world. He wrote 'The Butler' and originally wanted to do 'Empire' also as a movie.

I am much closer to the Butler side of the family, which is on mother's side, from where I get my middle name. My parents divorced when I was seven, and I remember as a kid always being fascinated by my full name.

There was one vampire movie that Gerard Butler was in, 'Dracula 2000,' and they touched on something interesting, but it only worked in the context of that particular movie, which was that the original vampire was Judas.

'The Help' sheds light on a certain truth in America, but the tragedy is if we don't get a chance to contrast it with other points of views. 'The Butler' does that, 'Red Tails' does that and that's what '96 Minutes' does.

'The Butler' has virtually nothing in common with its source material, the life of White House butler Gene Allen, except for the fact that the main character of the film and Allen were both black butlers in the White House.

I have represented farmers in federal court during the Iowa farm crisis. A farmer from Butler County. I don't think Sen. Grassley had that life experience. It's just a simple difference of who we are and where we've come from.

I think a robot butler would be a great idea for certain things. But the idea of anybody coming into my bedroom and doing stuff for me, besides my wife and I - such as giving you tea in the morning - I just find a bit irksome.

The life of an actor is not filled with limousines and talk-show interviews. I've moved crates of beer; I've been a bartender, personal assistant, butler. But all those skills have helped me in the business aspect of what I do.

As a kid, I just loved cartoons. And as the credits went by, I'd study those names and then try to figure how I could get hired to do what Mel Blanc and Daws Butler did. Create all of these great voices for animated characters.

I like to read Octavia E. Butler's 'Wild Seed' over and over again. And J. California Cooper's 'The Wake of the Wind.' That one makes me cry from joy. I'll mourn - I'll actually mourn - and then I'll cry from joy. She's wonderful.

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