Innovation is the calling card of the future.

I think a book is your calling card, your business card.

You have a song, and people know it. It's like a calling card for you.

Your face is your calling card, but you're not so famous that you can't go out.

When I signed with the Rockets, I just kind of felt like that was my calling card.

I find talking about my work harder than it might be if honesty wasn't my calling card.

Generally a chef's book is like a calling card or a portfolio to display their personal work.

I want my films to be different, to use different techniques, not just make a calling card film.

With a lot of contemporary musicals, the songs are like a calling card: the action stops for them.

If my 20s were a time when the way I looked was my calling card, then it feels as though my 60s will be a reinvention.

Sex appeal is in the workplace every day of the week. I'm not saying that's the only calling card, but it's a whole crayon box.

Most Japanese-Americans have that legacy. The camp experience is something of a calling card between them. They say, 'So, where were you interned?'

Being a successful Hollywood actress may be challenging, but little did I know that the very body that had always been my calling card would betray me.

In New York, appearance is a form of currency or, at the very least, a calling card. One must look wealthy in order to be recognised as a person of worth.

Nobody paid any attention career-wise to me in America until 'Bronson.' It gave me a calling card and passage into America, where I've always wanted to work.

When people write a novel, they want to have that reach and that impact. To get it with a first novel, you can either see it as an albatross or a calling card.

I think Hollywood wants to be safe. The things you do first become your calling card, and I think people just sort of go, 'Well, we know he can do that.' They kind of put you in that hole.

I'm very comfortable as a singer. In fact, I think it's more - I identified my self-esteem, my self more in those ways when I was growing up. I really - it was kind of my calling card as a kid.

At the time I left film school there wasn't a lot of hope for young film-makers. It was a calling card of film school to be quite slick and commercial, which might lead to getting some stuff on telly.

The innovators' spirit of America still exists. However, there is a narrative in America which goes like - you must go to MIT to get your calling card. Or you go to Harvard and then you drop out and then you've made it.

I had a blog where I tried to be transparent while giving away nothing. I tweeted and Facebooked badly. As a writer, your 'voice' is your calling card, yet my voice was becoming indistinguishable from billions of other voices.

In our midst, there are nations that still speak the language of terrorism, that nurture it, peddle it, and export it. To shelter terrorists has become their calling card. We must identify these nations and hold them to account.

I think Vice is vastly overrated. And I think that if you are interested in reaching young males, which is what I think Vice's calling card has been, CNN's digital properties reach far more young men on a weekly basis than Vice does.

Nothing is a calling card. Everything is what you do. If you do it in order to get somewhere else, you're not actually doing it. If you're thinking, 'What is the weird thing I want to make with my friends?' money and other things will come later.

When I graduated from college in early 2010, I decided that I needed to create a calling card, some kind of business card that people can link to my name and face. So I did this 'Mad Men Theme Song... With a Twist' music video. I released it just as I moved to L.A.

I would be a rich man if I had a quarter for every time one of my Republican colleagues on the Foreign Relations Committee utters some variation of the sentence, 'President Obama doesn't have a strategy to defeat ISIS.' It's their calling card on the committee - and on the campaign trail.

The NBA has made a real issue about really making these superstars the premium that everybody wants to go to. That's their calling card and their marketing tool. But the coaches at the other end of the sphere are trying to make everybody on the team, even nine, 10, 11, 12, just as important, and have a real role that's meaningful.

No one cares about your ideas. They're not going to come knocking on your door looking for ideas. They're going to want some concrete evidence that you have the potential to serve them or give them value for money. So that's my advice: write your spec scripts, no matter what. They're essential as a calling card, even if they don't get produced.

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