Each of us can do something to help someone.

One can do something if one can see and understand it.

If you act like you can do something, then it will work.

If you don't believe you can do something then you can't.

Nobody can do everything, but everybody can do something.

You can do something with talent, but nothing with genius.

Each thing I do, I rush through, so I can do something else.

When you believe that you can do something that's when you can do it.

If you can do something great in 60 seconds, you can do anything, really.

I wish I were taller and thinner but the hair you can do something about.

If you've made up your mind you can do something, you're absolutely RIGHT.

Life is Happiness. Happiness is the fact that I can do something right now.

You can do something no one else can do in a fashion no one else can do it.

Every single one of us can do something, however small, to make a difference.

It's all mental management. Whether you can do something or not is in your head.

Everybody is looking for an election where they can do something and participate.

I can do something with almost anything I see. Everything is still interesting to me.

Government can't do anything for you except in proportion as it can do something to you.

No one can do everything, but everyone can do something, and together we can change the world.

The first thing you've got to do is know your craft, and then you can do something else with it.

I don't even like photography at all. I'm just doing photography until I can do something better.

No-one can do everything for the environment, but every-one can do something to make a better world.

There's nothing better for building confidence than learning you can do something you thought you couldn't.

If you can do something about a situation, why worry? And if you can't do something about a situation, why worry?

I can't do everything but I can do something to help somebody. And what I can do I will do. I wish I could do more.

I can't do anything about the thoughts that come into my head, but I can do something about the ones that stay there!.

When you don't know what to do, do something. I know you don't know what to do and I know you can't do everything right now, but you can do something.

Do we dare to be ourselves?' This is the question that counts - and not, 'Must a man be helpless?' ...A man can do something for peace without having to jump into politics.

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