A cappella group names are hard!

I was in an a cappella group in high school.

I'll do a cappella stuff, rock 'n' roll and swing stuff.

I want to make an a cappella record to release for free.

I make sure I sing a cappella to let people know I can sing.

A cappella music has always been around. It's such an old form.

We sing popular songs and show it can be done a cappella. It's fun music.

I know a lot of people think a cappella is this cutesy, kind of novel thing.

I can play multiple instruments. I love a cappella. I love barbershop. I love magic.

I played piano back in my elementary school days and I sang a cappella back in college.

I know a lot of a cappella groups, but none of them are doing backflips while singing, for sure.

To go on the road and listen to people sing a cappella - thousands of them - I couldn't do that.

Christmas and a cappella - what we learned really, really well is that they go extremely well together.

I'm afraid of a cappella. I don't read music, and I have a hard time harmonizing. Basically, I'm a melody singer only.

I never thought that I would pursue a cappella music. I went to Yale College and I was going to go into the medical field.

I just wanted to eat, to survive. I started singing a cappella in bars. I saved up money to get my first guitar and started writing songs.

I was already writing poetry, so I transitioned from writing poetry a cappella to writing over beats, and it was way more exciting to me that way.

With the a cappella groups, every voice is like one string on a guitar, one note on the piano, or one cymbal, and you don't have the luxury of falling back on anything.

Though I played classical piano since age 5 and sang in a cappella groups, being an artist didn't seem like something I was talented enough to do full time. So I kind of buried that dream.

We always try to make every song we do sound like a track. It's vocal, but we want it to be really full so no one really can even know if it's a cappella. It's not like it's missing anything, per se.

I felt that a cappella was the improv world with music, where it's very serious, and there are groups and competition, and some people become famous, and there's a language we speak from one improviser to another.

When you think about choir music, that's a cappella. You have church choir that you would sing without any instrument. I think the popular form that we have now is barbershop in the 20th century, and the collegiate movement.

And then, I was thinking of doing a record just like starting with voice, because I did this one song that was just kind of a cappella, and I did it for this art piece I did where people could come and play music to go with a voice.

When it comes time to where the new album gets closer, I start singing the song a cappella; I'll preview it on my Snapchat and get creative with it - just kind of bringing everybody into more than just listening to the record on album.

We didn't realize there were that many boy bands until we started touring in Europe. I don't think we were ever affected by it since a lot of the groups in Europe didn't really sing live, but we did and would perform a cappella as well.

When you're a musician and you come from a singing background, specifically one that focused a lot on a cappella music as I have, it's just a real joy to be around so many talented people and talented groups who have a passion for what they do.

When I was 5 years old, I was coming up the stairs, and I saw my mom standing there, singing 'A Quiet Thing' a cappella, and it was such a differentiating moment for me. I realized that we are separate from each other - she has dreams and goals.

It's extremely important, a cappella groups get so easily pigeonholed into essentially just being a cover band, and we want to be at the forefront to show it's its own art form and just a different way to have a band. Only we just use our voices.

My friend and I sang an a cappella rendition of Extreme's 'More Than Words' at one of our football pep rallies in a desperate attempt to look cool. For a while, I wore pink Converse All Stars because I thought it made me seem daring and irreverent.

My high-school a cappella teacher would embarrass me in front of the choir. 'Mavis, you're in the basement. Mavis, you're singing with the boys.' I said, 'Mr. Finch, my voice isn't soprano. I can't sing up there with the girls.' So I just got out of the choir.

I think there are rock stars within every subgenre, and for people who are obsessed with musical theater Sutton Foster and Audra MacDonald are like Beyonce to them. I'm sure the a cappella world has their own version of that, and that exists in every geeky subculture.

Uh, I think so many things have happened in the mainstream that definitely brought awareness and attention to a cappella. The 'Pitch Perfect' movies, 'The Sing-Off' - I mean, the college a cappella scene definitely has become really hot, which is definitely wonderful.

Being a person of faith is just another of a wide range of fun activities available to those who come to Harvard. When Harvard boasts to admitted students of its more than 40 religious groups, it does so in the same vein that it boasts of its nearly dozen a cappella groups.

When the Beatles wrote 'Paperback Writer,' it couldn't have been the same old thing. You can hear so many influences in it, from the blues to Bach, and it's not just verse, chorus, verse, chorus, bridge chorus. They start off singing a cappella, almost like a Bach chorale, and the song goes into this bluesy guitar riff.

But even if you're not a 'Scrubs' follower you'll still have a good time, because all the songs are recognizable and presented in a way that's unique to The Blanks. We had heard that in some countries a cappella is considered torture, so we wanted to make a show that we'd really want to see as well - so it's music but it's also a lot of comedy.

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