I have a crush on Cate Blanchett.

I love Cate Blanchett; I think she's brilliant.

Me and Cate Blanchett have the same job, technically.

I never thought I would work with Meryl Streep. I also love Cate Blanchett.

I've always wanted to dress Cate Blanchett because I think she's so stylish.

I admire Cate Blanchett as an actor: that's my ultimate goal. To be as good as she is!

Cate Blanchett and Eileen Atkins are definitely among my top five actresses whose work I aspire to.

I wanted to work with Cate Blanchett. She is one of the five greatest movie actresses of her generation.

I do love pasta. It gets me into trouble. If I could give up pasta and bread, I'd look like Cate Blanchett.

I really look up to actors like Gwyneth Paltrow and Cate Blanchett who have a strong background in theatre.

Without sounding sexist, you have to cast a real man opposite Cate Blanchett. You need a guy who's grown up.

I think Cate Blanchett is fabulous - she just shines in everything she does - and I'm a big Susan Sarandon fan.

There aren't many roles that are interesting if you're a 40-year-old woman, unless you're Julia Roberts or Cate Blanchett.

I saw Cate Blanchett in 'Big and Small,' and it was mind-blowing. The fact that she can do theatre and is also a huge movie star is really exciting.

I've always had a thing about Judi Dench, Cate Blanchett, Helen Mirren, Julie Walters, and Imelda Staunton. I'm hoping to follow in their footsteps.

I don't have any particular person who I look up to for fashion ideas. I just admire some women for the way they dress, such as Cate Blanchett and Audrey Hepburn.

I think Cate Blanchett always gets it right. She seems very natural and wears interesting but not ridiculous clothes - she seems to push the boundaries just enough.

I remember watching Cate Blanchett in 'Elizabeth' and feeling like for the first time - even though that time period wasn't happening now - that I believed that role.

Why have a model on the front of your magazine when you can have Kate Winslet, Cate Blanchett or Hilary Swank? Because those girls are intelligent and talented, people are interested.

I'm a big Cate Blanchett fan. I'm ready. I'm coming! I mean, come on, I am a gay girl; I want what I want. I want to come to Australia and marry Cate Blanchett. Just let everybody know for me.

Cate Blanchett is somebody who I could watch do anything. I love what an extraordinary chameleon she can be. There's something about the way she bends and transforms that feels otherworldly to me.

I was sent the script for 'Silver Linings' when I was doing a play in D.C. at The Kennedy Center with Cate Blanchett and I was sent the script and asked if I was interested, and I said 'Oh, boy am I!'

I love Cate Blanchett. She's extremely classy and has this knack for taking on roles and being very, very strong, but also embedding vulnerability. She has this relatable quality. I like the path she chose.

My dream is to work with people like Meryl Streep, Michael Fassbender, Christian Bale and Cate Blanchett. To me, those are true storytellers - genuine people who have stories to tell and make incredible films.

Cate Blanchett is somebody who's transformed herself in so many different ways and worked with so many amazing actors and directors. If I was gonna model my career after somebody's, it would definitely be hers.

I can speak of actors that I love. I love Cate Blanchett, Viola Davis, her tenacity. I love Charlize Theron. She's so surprising and so exhilarating, the kinds of projects she takes on. Marion Cotillard as well.

I've always admired Cate Blanchett and the roles she chooses. I think she's got an incredible discipline in a way, with choosing roles that are going to help her grow and bring something interesting to the world.

I love Emma Watson's makeup a lot. I love Cate Blanchett. I'm biased, though. I love my makeup artist, Julie Harris; she is really phenomenal, but everyone has their technique, and there are incredible-looking girls out there.

I've always been a big Cate Blanchett fan. Such a wonderful role model, the way she carries herself through her profession. She has so much grace to her, and so much intelligence. I've also always been a big Katharine Hepburn fan.

Two people who I think have the world's most perfect skin are Cate Blanchett and Kate Bosworth. Maybe there's something to being named Kate, I don't know, but those two just seem to be effortless, yet completely, ethereally gorgeous.

Cate Blanchett and others, they get this broad range of all these cool people they can play. Some women really do get it all. For me, it is the same thing that happens over and over. I should change that and maybe write my own thing.

Cate Blanchett. Judi Dench. Helen Mirren. Everything about them. Even their fashion choices. They're so with it and cool and women I admire. They take chances. They're chameleons. Everything that they do. They're also amazing mothers.

People talk a lot about, 'You're a Disney princess! You're Cinderella!' and this and that. But for me, it's all about the fact that I worked with Cate Blanchett and was directed by Kenneth Branagh. That's the 'Cinderella' story for me.

I'll never forget watching 'I'm Not There' with Cate Blanchett, because it was the first time she saw the finished film and saw her performance in it. I was sitting next to her experiencing it vicariously through her fresh eyes and hoping she liked it.

Judi Dench has always been the benchmark for me. Everything I have seen her do is incredible. I also really admire Cate Blanchett. In terms of people I have worked with, there is no one more admirable than Hugh Jackman, for his spirit, energy, generosity and hard work.

There are a ton of A-list stars I'd love to dress - fashionistas like Keira Knightley and Scarlett Johansson. Also, Cate Blanchett would be fun and fabulous. My picks vary by the day and how I'm feeling. But, as a new, young designer, I'm open to working with everyone!

Some of my favorite actresses are Cate Blanchett, I love her. I love Zoe Saldana, and Julianne Moore is one of my favorites. I like women who choose diverse roles and have that strength, which I think all women have but some women embrace it, present it, and live in it.

In terms of pure acting, my role model has always been Philip Seymour Hoffman; I really always loved what he did. I love what Mark Ruffalo does. When I was younger, I liked Cate Blanchett a lot. These are all actors who are given stories and allowed to carry the whole story.

As far as I'm concerned, Cate Blanchett is a goddess, but she's really down to earth. She's got all those Oscars, she's made all those amazing films and she could spend her whole life doing that, but what does she also do? She gives birth to three boys and creates her own theatre in Sydney.

There's to be a film about my life. I can give this as an exclusive now. Meryl Streep was offered the part but, no, I wanted Kate Winslet. Kylie Minogue is playing me in middle age. In old age, I'm not sure who's going to play me. I haven't got there yet. Perhaps Cate Blanchett. Or Jacki Weaver.

The dream would be to work with my two favorite actors, Daniel Day Lewis and Cate Blanchett. Or playing Joaquin Phoenix's brother in a film. Basically anything where I get to act opposite actors like these; ones who bring a certain caliber to their work and literally morph into the character they are playing.

The acting came about because of a girl. I was 19 and met a girl who wanted to go to the premiere drama school in Australia, the National Institute of Dramatic Arts, where Mel Gibson, Cate Blanchett and many others went. She had an audition, and I went with her for moral support - to cheer her on. I did an audition my way, and it kept going.

You want to have enough of a profile to be able to do all the work you can, but at the same time you want to have your own space. But there are a lot of actors who achieve it, a lot of movie stars even, people like Emily Watson and Cate Blanchett. They seem to be able to carry on with their lives and still produce wonderful, high-profile work.

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