I take the teachings of the Catholic Church seriously.

I can't speak to the differences within the Catholic Church.

The Roman Catholic Church isn't going to change its theologies.

The Catholic Church was the church of the colonial fascist regime.

I am drawn to Christ but I have real problems with the Catholic Church.

The Catholic Church did not always teach that life begins at conception.

When you think about the Catholic Church, it is a bit flamboyant, in't it?

As for the depiction of the Catholic church, it's not meant to be a prediction.

Becoming Catholic involves entering into a relationship with the Catholic Church.

Kinsey thought that Freud in his own way was as dangerous as the Catholic Church.

I never agreed with the message of the Catholic Church - and still don't to this day.

Catholic liturgical music, it would seem, is everywhere but in the Catholic Church itself.

Every time the Catholic Church takes one step forward, it seems to take one giant step back.

Ultimately Warhol's private moral reference was to the supreme kitsch of the Catholic church.

I did attend Catholic schools up to the ninth grade, and I admire much in the Catholic Church.

I believe in the Devil. I believe there's a God, too. I met God at church - the Catholic Church.

I grew up in a very Catholic family. Up until puberty, I would go to a Catholic church every week.

My ambition is to give Oakland's cathedral a universal character independent of the Catholic Church.

People who are stuck in a Catholic church, that's OK for them because that's what they need right now.

I was raised as a Catholic, but I didn't like the Catholic Church at all. I thought the nuns were mean.

The Catholic Church played an integral role in supporting the opening between the U.S. and Cuban governments.

The language of the Catholic Church - the liturgy, the prayer, the gospels - was in many ways my first poetry.

My experiences growing up in both a Chinese American household and the Catholic Church define much of who I am.

I was raised Catholic and I have a lot of respect for the good in the Catholic Church. But I don't go to church.

I think the strength of the Catholic church is that when it does finally identify a problem, it works to resolve it.

I read a lot of G.K. Chesterton. It was a fairly conventional intellectual path to the Catholic church, I would say.

I go to the Catholic Church. God is an important part of my life. If he was not, I don't think I could have survived.

Wherever the bishop appears, there let the people be, even as wheresoever Christ Jesus is, there is the catholic church.

I'm afraid the SS's relationship with the Catholic Church is something the Church still has to deal with and does not deny.

The great achievement of the Catholic Church lay in harmonizing, civilizing the deepest impulses of ordinary, ignorant people.

If there is anyone who's living the work of the New Testament, it's the nuns of the Catholic church and not the Catholic hierarchy.

Vatican II was a force that seized the mind of the Roman Catholic Church and carried it across centuries from the 13th to the 20th.

I was brought up Catholic and know the stench of the Catholic Church. I moved away from religion early, but the impression remains.

Just in relation to women, it's not that huge an imaginative leap to see the connection between the Taliban and the Catholic Church.

It's hard for the Catholic Church to accept change. When the mass was no longer said in Latin, loyalists went into mourning for years.

The Catholic Church has never really come to terms with women. What I object to is being treated either as Madonnas or Mary Magdalenes.

I read a lot on the subject and had many conversations, and I have come to the conclusion that the Catholic Church is a force for evil.

Despite a rich history of black Americans involved in the Catholic Church, invisibility is a big problem for black Catholics in America.

I come from a deeply Catholic family. My husband and I were married in a Catholic church; we decided to put our kids into Catholic school.

I have to tell you, virtually every country I've gone to, the Catholic church is on the cutting edge of social change. Really extraordinary.

Under the law, the government, whether it's state, local or federal, cannot give the Catholic Church or any religious institution money directly.

It is uncomfortable to be reminded that the Catholic church only removed the reference to 'perfidious Jews' from the Good Friday liturgy in 1960.

As you know, divorce is still not allowed in the Catholic Church. But here insert a large 'however' - she is liberal in the granting of annulments.

The last years of fading communism provided an ideal environment for Poland's Catholic Church, which acted as an umbrella for dissenters of all sorts.

I left because I decided it just really wasn't for me, and I got a better understanding of what the Catholic Church needed from its priests and ministers.

Irish people are still very prickly about Catholic Church. Despite all the scandals and cover-ups that have rocked the church, you can only push it so far.

The Roman Catholic church... carries the immense power of very directly affecting women's lives everywhere by its stand against birth control and abortion.

The Catholic Church is one of the oldest, largest and richest institutions on earth, with a following 1.2 billion strong, and change does not come naturally.

It is now for the Catholic Church to bend herself to her work with calmness and generosity. It is for you to observe her with renewed and friendly attention.

I grew up in the north of Chile, and this is why there are a lot of religious symbols in my pictures: because the Catholic Church in Latin America is very strong.

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