I hate charts. I just despise 'em.

I pay almost no attention to the charts.

I never thought I would go into the dance charts.

The charts are only relevant when you're top of them!

My head is massive. My head is, like, off the charts.

I listen to songs that are usually on the music charts.

Deep down, I always had a belief I would get on the charts.

To me, it's exciting that women are dominating the pop charts.

Organization charts and fancy titles count for next to nothing.

I have to write pretty songs; that's what gets them on the charts.

I must have some sort of record in failing to get into the charts.

It would be nice to be on the charts again, nice to be recognised.

It's very satisfying when you see your song at the top of the charts.

It's a songwriter's dream to have a song recorded and run up the charts.

Quantcast combines powerful web analytics with easy-to-read charts and data.

It was an honor to have our album and names mentioned on the Billboard charts.

I have no aspirations of world domination through the pop charts. None at all.

I'm watching the charts every week and hoping something will pop into my head.

Charts and learning the politics behind making a record - it's pretty soulless.

I was the first artist to put the national anthem on the charts, and I'm thrilled.

I'm just not interested in selling out to get on the charts and make people happy.

I always thought my records were number one; it's just the charts didn't think so.

I'm not worried about no charts or how long it's been out. Our records never go away.

I am a foodie and Puja is the time when you can indulge and not think about diet charts.

In England, rock music very rarely infiltrates the charts, but country music even less so.

I'd had my time in the charts and made loads of money. I was no longer hungry for success.

As a composer, it is a great thrill for me to have an album in the top 15 of the pop charts.

Lula is off the charts. You cannot reproduce Lula; and you will always have to count him in.

Obviously Spawn was at the top of the charts at that point so you get a lot of opportunities.

If you look at the charts every year, there may be five or ten memorable songs from each year.

Now there is a new group every week; it seems like everybody and anybody can get into the charts.

I feel like I'm a product of this generation where everybody listens to charts with diverse music.

I'm making music 'cause I love music, not to get in the charts. That's the way I want things to be.

It's interesting, because as a musician, I don't feel like I need to be on the top of the pop charts.

I always wanted to be the first true Latino to break the American barrier, to be on the American charts.

I had to learn chord shapes. I bought books with chord charts. I used to listen to all kinds of pop music.

Obviously, getting a number in the charts is a nice thing but the cherry on the cake rather than the main cake.

I don't care about the charts; I just want to make great music that I enjoy performing on stage and I'm proud of.

We do a big business with our midsized-venue model. We don't need bands to be on the top-ten charts to make money.

Women are dominating the charts, and women are doing it for themselves. We're kicking butt and taking no prisoners.

It was so simple in the old days. You put out an album, people promoted it, it got in the charts, and you had a hit.

I never really set out to do anything in the charts with music. It came as a total surprise that I did, and it's fun.

I'm thankful for my songs being at the top of the charts but I am human - I think people still have to remember that.

We never could have foreseen the success of 'Babel.' It's not like banjo records were soaring up the charts, you know.

Me and my mom were just watching the charts like, 'Why isn't it stopping?' And now I've got a platinum disc in my bedroom.

It can be disheartening to see acts that don't necessarily have any input on their own material to do so well in the charts.

Social media can sometimes influence the charts, but I think that only great music makes it to the top. The good songs make it.

We look forward with great anticipation to see the course that the National Space Council charts for America's future in space.

I grew up when the whole Motown thing was huge. The charts in those days were dominated by groups more than solo artists at one point.

Every single thing that I was told that I couldn't do without a label - get in the charts, get on to the Radio 1 playlist - I've done.

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