The Attorney General is the state's chief consumer advocate, fighting to protect the financial security of all Illinoisans.

Studio chief Winfield Sheehan wanted me to remain a little girl. If I lost my innocence, he said, it would show in my eyes.

Science in the modern world has many uses; its chief use, however, is to provide long words to cover the errors of the rich.

No one is asking for an Oprah in Chief. Anyhow, Obama is too chilly by nature ever to be convincing as a human care package.

Shareholder meetings are not usually the occasion for utter candor - or for that matter, arch sarcasm - by chief executives.

Governance under a chief executive elected by universal suffrage will give fresh impetus to economic and livelihood policies.

A commander in chief with military experience might be able to prod a conservative military into thinking more imaginatively.

I'm a former governor, and so I was the chief executive, and when the legislature wasn't in session, I was running the state.

I'm the chief science officer of a foundation that works on the application of regenerative medicine to the problem of aging.

The chief difficulty which prevents men of science from believing in divine as well as in nature Spirits is their materialism.

I try to control my box. I always think the goalkeeper has to be the chief of the box: it's his area, and he has to defend it.

A chief called Lawyer, because he was a great talker, took the lead in the council, and sold nearly all the Nez Perce country.

'Commander in Chief' became a show not about why we should have a woman president but why we should not have a woman president.

ITC looks forward to working with the chief minister and the government of India to ensure trade leads to impact on the ground.

I long to accomplish a great and noble task, but it is my chief duty to accomplish small tasks as if they were great and noble.

I served as Attorney General John Ashcroft's chief adviser on immigration law at the U.S. Department of Justice during 2001-03.

I fully understand the expectations of the state governments. Thus, I am better placed to work closely with the chief ministers.

I am the commander in chief of the United States armed forces, and Iraq is gonna have to ultimately provide for its own security.

Guantanamo is a chief recruiting tool for al-Qaida. It has put a wedge between the United States and at least some of its allies.

I met Drake. That was crazy. Chief Keef, that was another crazy one. Obviously, people like Ski Mask The Slump God, that's my boy.

As chief selector, I did my best to pick new talent and give them proper opportunities, as they are the future of Pakistan cricket.

Those who make happiness the chief objective of life are bound to fail, for happiness is a by-product rather than an end in itself.

We are faced with the paradoxical fact that education has become one of the chief obstacles to intelligence and freedom of thought.

As a chief executive determined to lead Hong Kong to new heights, I am keenly aware of the immense responsibilities on my shoulders.

I hate facts. I always say the chief end of man is to form general propositions - adding that no general proposition is worth a damn.

I have been in the politics for the last 40 years. I became chief minister in 1995 and worked in the NDA and UPA. I have seen it all.

If so many Americans are looking for the government to save them, then it is hard to have a dignified search for a shepherd in chief.

Puerto Rico's participation per capita in the armed forces is more than most states, yet they can't vote for their commander in chief.

I knew Anna Wintour was the editor in chief of Vogue,' I just didn't understand what it meant to wait around to meet with Anna Wintour.

That idea of peace and love toward humanity shouldn't be nationalistic or denominational. It should be a chief concern for all mankind.

Though I am not a chief of state, I must work twice as hard as one because I have to both administer a bureaucracy and run a revolution.

Obviously you can make a pretty good living these days as a crew member or a crew chief or as a driver. But the technology is expensive.

When I was growing up, my stepmother's sister was the chief detective in one of the adjoining towns, so she piqued my interest in crime.

A friend of mine is chief of staff at a big prison in Georgia. Along with giving me a tour of the prison, she allowed me to meet inmates.

As the founder and former chief executive of two publicly traded companies, I have had a great deal of exposure to how debt markets work.

When a company seeks a new chief executive officer, or a university a new vice-chancellor, enormous trouble is taken to find the best person.

A lot of young girls have looked to their career paths and have said they'd like to be chief. There's been a change in the limits people see.

Whatever Seattle says, the great chief at Washington can rely upon with as much certainty as he can upon the return of the sun or the seasons.

Tis this desire of bending all things to our own purposes which turns them into confusion and is the chief source of every error in our lives.

My father was raised with brothers, he was a football player and a boxer, he was a chief petty officer in the Navy, he was a man of his times.

As representatives, we are accountable first not to our party, not to our leadership, not to the chief executive, but just to our constituents.

The chief ingredients in the composition of those qualities that gain esteem and praise, are good nature, truth, good sense, and good breeding.

Our chief justices have probably had more profound and lasting influence on their times and on the direction of the nation than most presidents.

The chief job of foreign policy today is helping to figure out the rules for the global economy and defending each nation's interests within it.

I sincerely desire to be appointed Commander in Chief of the air fleet to attack Pearl Harbor so that I may personally command that attack force.

The chief difference between words and deeds is that words are always intended for men for their approbation, but deeds can be done only for God.

Modi has been the Gujarat chief minister for more than a decade, but there is a vast difference between controlling a state and leading a nation.

Emerson was the chief figure in the American transcendental movement, a fact that complicates all accounts of him in literary or cultural history.

The role at the DCCC as well as the role of chief deputy whip - I wouldn't be where I am in those spots if it were not for the speaker's approval.

I hope that no more groans of wounded men and women will ever go to the ear of the Great Spirit Chief above, and that all people may be one people.

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