First of all, CIA follows the law.

I know CIA like the back of my hand.

The only way to Cuba is with the CIA.

I play DEA, CIA, FBI, LAPD; I got 'em all.

I would be a terrible CIA officer in real life.

The CIA is an incompetent bureaucracy, generally.

I think cleaning house at the CIA needed to happen.

My father was assassinated by an FBI-CIA connection

The men and women of the CIA are a national treasure.

I couldn't get a job with CIA today. I am not qualified.

One might oppose the CIA program, but Abu Ghraib it ain't.

Let's remember, the CIA's job is to go out and create wars.

I got a top-secret security clearance and served in the CIA.

I wouldn't doubt it if the CIA is behind Alcoholics Anonymous.

I was working for the CIA and prohibited from speaking publicly.

I have always been appalled by the depiction of female CIA operatives.

It doesn't take long to become aware of the presence of the CIA in Laos.

We need to make is to strengthen the position of the director of the CIA.

I handed over names and compromised so many CIA agents in the Soviet Union.

I think even pro-China legislators would not believe I'm really a CIA agent.

I joined the CIA in 1985 as an operations officer in the Clandestine Service.

I would not restart, under any circumstances, an interrogation program at CIA.

My CIA godfather told me he'd never heard any American speak Japanese so well.

My Life in CIA is the first time that I've ever written a story in my own name.

Just to talk a moment about transparency, of course CIA does have a Twitter account.

I learned later, just as a footnote, that the World Assembly of Youth was a CIA front.

When you work for DC, it's sort of like working for the CIA. You have a vow of silence.

The post office actually achieves its mission. I wish we could say the same of the CIA.

I suddenly realized at the CIA that I had to make life-and-death decisions about people.

Just this week, Syria broke off all relations with the United States military and the CIA.

I would not allow CIA to undertake activity that is immoral, even if it is technically legal.

My mother is not a CIA agent, but she's an Italian mother, and she'd do anything for her son.

When it comes to the assignment of blame, the CIA has by and large been a luckless organization.

The CIA's research program is described in a book called The Search for the Manchurian Candidate.

We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the US public believes is false.

It is illegal for the CIA to spy on Americans and an affront to our Republic to spy on the Senate.

Breaking a cardinal rule of spy craft, I actually let it be known that I wanted to work for the CIA.

When I was younger, I actually wanted to be a CIA agent. Really. I even did the online questionnaire.

Internal fights between various agencies, i.e. between the CIA and FBI, are highly counterproductive.

It's pretty well known that the CIA has been installing friendly dictators around the world for years.

I was much less offended than others were by the CIA's interrogations in the years after September 11.

CIA has been treated with enormous respect and our expertise is valued for what we bring to the table.

I'm tired of playing freaking cha-chas, the sassy CIA agent, the best friend homegirl. I'm tired of that!

I'm going to be so much better a president for having been at the CIA that you're not going to believe it.

As I look back on my first year as Director, I am more in awe of the men and women at CIA than ever before.

I never one time mentioned anything to any coach about retirement or joining the CIA or anything like that.

CIA has learned some tough lessons, especially when asked to tackle missions that fall outside our expertise.

Nothing is more important to those of us at CIA than our obligation to earn the trust of our fellow citizens.

It had all the earmarks of a CIA operation; the bomb killed everybody in the room except the intended target!

Most conspiracy theorists dont understand this. But if there really were a CIA plot, no documents would exist.

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