Hunger is the best seasoning.

Culture clash is terrific drama.

Jack Reacher is a brilliant movie

But desperate people find courage.

Proportion is the heart of beauty.

I could fall for you in a heartbeat

I enjoy learning technical details.

It was the most romantic plane ever made.

Hard work should be rewarded by good food.

Most of my stories have some basis in fact.

I started writing stories in my spare time.

A very good editor is almost a collaborator.

Fear could paralyse. Action was the antidote.

What news? There's nothing to tell. I'm a nun.

Man who betrayed you once would betray you twice.

The most expensive part of building is the mistakes.

I read mostly fiction, a lot of 19th-century novels.

He had been granted his life's wish-but conditionally.

When you've lost everything, you've got nothing to lose.

There is a real connection between Philosopy and fiction.

Movies have influenced all writers, not just thriller writers.

I imagined it. I wrote it. But I guess I never thought I'd see it.

The thriller is the most popular literary genre of the 20th century.

you should first follow the plow if you want to dance the harvest jig.

His aim was the glory of God, but the glory of Philip pleased him too.

Why do you have to be the same as the others? ...Most of them are stupid.

In both cases, weakness and scruples had defeated strength and ruthlessness.

I might not be a good socialist, any more than I'm a good Christian, but I am one.

Why did people manufacture trouble when there was already so much of it in the world?

The degradation to which you subject others comes back, sooner or later, to haunt you.

She wanted to say 'I love you like a thunderstorm, like a lion, like a helpless rage'.

I want to tell a story that makes the reader always want to see what will happen next.

It's great that in the German language I've sold almost 30 million books. Isn't that amazing?

What she needs,' Tom said aloud 'is a husband.' Agnes said crisply, 'Well, she can't have mine.

After a certain point, most people, including editors, will tell you everything you do is great.

The CIA's research program is described in a book called The Search for the Manchurian Candidate.

The CIA's research program is described in a book called "The Search for the Manchurian Candidate."

An awful lot of thriller writers write women rather badly. So just doing it OK gets a lot of credit.

My favorite period is World War II, and I'm in the middle of writing my fourth novel set in that era.

Thrillers have been traditionally very masculine books; the women characters often rather decorative.

The duck swallows the worm, the fox kills the duck, the men shoot the fox, and the devil hunts the men.

Without books I would not have become a vivacious reader, and if you are not a reader you are not a writer.

Everybody takes what they life from the teachings of the church, and ignores the parts that don't suit them.

There is no point in asking a man a question until you have established whether he has any reason to lie to you.

The boundary between philosophy and fiction is not as clear cut as you may think and the two definitely interact.

With hindsight, we see that the Soviet Union never had a chance of world domination, but we didn't know that then.

But the lesson of Abraham's story is that God demands the best we have to offer, that which is most precious to us.

A baby was like a revolution, Grigori thought: you could start one, but you could not control how it would turn out.

I like reading history, and actually most authors enjoy the research part because it is, after all, easier than writing.

I aim to be translucent, so you don't notice the words, just their meaning. I haven't much insight into people's motivations.

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