American citizens were targeted and nothing is going to be done about it.

Not all citizens can be equally strong; but they can all be equally free.

By the time of the GDR's demise, two in every 13 citizens were informers.

What we have here, fellow citizens, is a crassly egocentric, raving twit.

I would trust citizen journalism as much as I would trust citizen surgery.

When American citizens pull together, there is little we can't accomplish.

the apathy and inattention of the average citizen is beyond comprehension.

We need to find a way to empower citizens to make governments take notice.

It is actually against the law for a citizen to give money to a terrorist.

Markets are very important but for the government the citizens are more so.

The authority of any governing institution must stop at its citizen's skin.

The citizen takes his city for granted far too often. He forgets to marvel.

A thoughtless citizen of a democracy is a delinquent citizen of a democracy.

The best American is one who considers themselves as a citizen of the world.

I've been a law-abiding citizen ever since I grew up in the Bronx, New York.

To be a citizen in a democracy, a human being must be given a healthy start.

Russian citizens being attacked is an attack against the Russian Federation.

Barack Obama is president of a superpower and I'm a citizen of a small state.

The violation of some laws is a normal part of the behavior of every citizen.

Let us walk into the conference room as equals and not second class citizens.

Citizens of India, Pakistan, and Kashmir need to come together and make music.

True citizens of the heavenly city are the best residents of the earthly city.

Politics is the art of reaching a goal that benefits all citizens of a nation.

I personally think Chimes of Midnight is a much better film than Citizen Kane.

The citizens of Tumortown are forever assailed with cures and rumors of cures.

International law now grants rights to all human beings, not only to citizens.

The State must follow, and not lead, the character and progress of the citizen.

Be happy, be proud, be generous, be respectful, be proud to be French citizens.

With an orchestra you are building citizens, better citizens for the community.

The first duty of an American citizen, then, is that he shall work in politics.

We are all actors: being a citizen is not living in society, it is changing it.

I am an honest person, transparent, that look citizens straight in their faces.

Of all second-class citizens, neurotics are the only ones who are so by choice.

The only just government is the government that serves its citizens, not itself.

And where the rewards for merit are greatest, there are found the best citizens.

I think Americans have become a - much more a nation of consumers than citizens.

The decline and fall of a civilization is barely noticed by most of its citizens.

Justice is as strictly due between neighbor nations as between neighbor citizens.

Among American citizens, there should be no forgotten men and no forgotten races.

You can't stop being a citizen just because you have a Screen Actors' Guild card.

My first warning is to my government officers to not presume citizens as thieves.

By what right do you refuse to accept the vote of a citizen of the United States?

What, after all, was the point of civilisation if not the well-being of citizens?

I am raising my voice as a citizen of the country. I don?t want to enter politics.

Everybody knows that if you're born in America, you are a citizen. No, you're not.

As a citizen of this country, I've got to be honest to the people of South Africa.

We are all so privileged to be citizens of America, and we all need to be engaged.

When I was at Upright Citizens Brigade, I would pretend to be a sad, drunk rapper.

the set pieces of your faces stir me - leading citizens - but not in the same way.

I'm the world heavyweight champion. I consider myself a citizen of the whole world.

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