I think love could have saved Kurt Cobain.

I like Kurt Cobain. [He] is like my dream boyfriend.

I don't wanna be Courtney Love - I wanna be Kurt Cobain.

How is it possible that Courtney Love looks worse than Kurt Cobain?

I feel like the Kurt Cobain of my generation, but people just don't understand me.

Kurt Cobain was, ladies and gentleman, I just - he was a worthless shred of human debris.

You have Kurt [Cobain], and he's singing about your experiences. They're our collective experiences.

People looked to Kurt Cobain because his songs captured what they felt before they knew they felt it.

The perception of him as brooding and dark and miserable, that is baloney. Kurt Cobain was a funny dude.

Kurt Cobain represents a very legit, realistic outlook. Before that, in my head, to be a white artist was to be privileged.

I never met Kurt Cobain, but I felt like I got to know him in a manner probably more intimate than anyone I've known outside of my family.

I don't think of Kurt as 'Kurt Cobain from Nirvana'. I think of him as 'Kurt'. It's something that comes back all the time. Almost every day.

Kurt [Cobain], from the moment he could hold a paintbrush in his hand, was painting. And from the moment he could hold a guitar, he was playing

[Kurt Cobain] had a lot of German in him. Some Irish. But no Jew. I think that if he had had a little Jew he would have [expletive] stuck it out.

And for him [Kurt Cobain] to do that [suicide] - I didn't like that. I thought that was just wrong. It just sent a bad message to a troubled generation.

I think Kurt Cobain and Nirvana represent this giant wave that came crashing in and turned music on its head again, and there's definitely something to be said for that.

I've never had access to another person's art and work or, particularly, someone who is as prolific and was able to externalize his interior world as deeply as Kurt [Cobain] could.

I didn't know Kurt Cobain or Amy Winehouse, but I was affected by both of their deaths because I admired their work so much and mourned their youth and work they would never produce.

Everybody feels protective and possessive about Kurt [Cobain] , and I think that can be attributed to his unique gift, an ability to touch our lives, and make us feel like he's our friend.

I wish Kurt Cobain didn't die. I really don't know where he'd be right now, I don't know what he'd be like. I just like to fantasize that he would like our band and he would know what we were up to.

I always thought it was strange when these artists like Kurt Cobain or whoever would get really famous and say, 'I don't understand why this is happening to me.' There is a mathematical formula to why you got famous. It isn't some magical thing that just started happening.

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