Coercion. The unpardonable crime.

A law is not a law without coercion behind it.

There must be no coercion in matters of faith!

Coercion cannot but result in chaos in the end.

Theatre is the most perfect artistic form of coercion.

Government is an apparatus of compulsion and coercion.

It is not a matter of desire, but of coercion and duty.

Only the State legally obtains its revenue by coercion.

The exercise of one coercion always makes another inevitable.

[Jesus] invoked a different kind of power: love, not coercion.

Coersion, after all, merely captures man. Freedom captivates him.

Coercion, after all, merely captures man. Freedom captivates him.

All governments must maintain power through consent, not coercion.

The best way to guide children without coercion is to be ourselves.

Whenever the government is involved, there is an element of coercion.

Coercion created slavery, the cowardice of the slaves perpetuated it.

Law is any application for the official use of coercion that succeeds.

One who uses coercion is guilty of deliberate violence. Coercion is inhuman.

We do not find the Savior using force or coercion to accomplish His purposes.

Creativity doesn't flourish in an atmosphere of despotism, coercion and fear.

The path to guidance is one of love and compassion, not of force and coercion.

Technologies can be liberating, but it can also be a tool of coercion and control.

Dialectic thought is an attempt to break through the coercion of logic by its own means.

I don't think performance out of duty yields very much. Coercion is never the way to go.

Dialectic thought is an attempt to break through the coercion of logic by its own means.

Instruments of coercion, once created, have a tendency to find their own natural masters.

Coercion or compulsion never brings about growth. It is freedom that accelerates evolution.

A person who is wise does nothing against their will, nothing with sighing or under coercion.

[P]rogressivism is a top-down, continent-wide tissue of taxes, mandates, and other coercions.

Can the mind become completely still without coercion, without compulsion, without discipline?

Coercion by government, the main fear of our founding fathers, is now its most common attribute.

Was Islam spread by them through force and coercion? No. They preached Islam by personal example.

The majority is not society, is not everyone. Majority coercion over the minority is still coercion.

The social arrangements that produce responsibility are arrangements that create coercion, of some sort.

Since satyagraha is a method of conversion and conviction, it seeks never to use the slightest coercion.

All social cooperation on a larger scale than the most intimate social group requires a measure of coercion.

The prophets preach . . . that pleasure, not will-power and coercion, is how you most deeply transform people.

Liberty'''.that condition of man in which coercion of some by others is reduced as much as possible in society

Coercion is the basis of every law in the universe,--human or divine. A law is not law without coercion behind it.

Unlike every other person and institution in society, government obtains its revenue from coercion, from taxation.

Mythological symbols touch and exhilarate centers of life beyond the reach of vocabularies of reason and coercion.

To blend, without coercion, the individual good and the common good is the essence of citizenship in a free country.

The only kind of coercion I recommend is mutual coercion, mutually agreed upon by the majority of the people affected.

Remember that mindsets can not be changed through force and coercion. No idea can ever be forcibly thrust upon any one.

To say that we mutually agree to coercion is not to say that we are required to enjoy it, or even to pretend we enjoy it.

The court can, and must, only maintain its legitimacy through the dispensation of justice, not by coercion and censorship.

Power is the ability to affect others to get the outcomes you want, and that can be done by coercion, payment or attraction.

Because politics rests on an irreducible measure of coercion, it can never become a perfect realm of perfect love and justice.

A society based on the freedom to choose is better than a society based on the principles of socialism, communism and coercion.

Proselytizing is only wrong if coercive or deceptive. Coercion, whether violent or not, is immoral, just as deception is immoral.

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