I think comparisons are odious.

People will always make comparisons.

It's never good to turn to comparisons with Nazis.

I was very humbled by the 'one-man Led Zeppelin' comparisons.

Awards for arts, where you make comparisons, don't make much sense.

I love Kelly Clarkson's message, and I've heard comparisons to P!nk.

I do not like comparisons that much. Each team has its own inner life.

There is only one Donald Trump, but people make comparisons because I'm blunt.

Judgment traps you within the limitations of your comparisons. It inhibits freedom.

When I was first coming out, I was definitely getting a lot of comparisons to Trina.

Never, never, will I accept, on issues of integrity, comparisons with the Liberal party.

I can't stand comparisons to the past. It doesn't matter what we did in previous seasons.

I don't like to make comparisons between former managers because they all bring a unique style.

Moise Kean is Moise Kean and Lukaku is Lukaku. It doesn't make sense to make these comparisons.

I have never believed in comparisons, whether they are about different eras, players or coaches.

Excusing or downplaying British racism with comparisons to the US is a bad habit with a long history.

Things hurt me just as much as anyone else. My insecurities, failures. I'm vulnerable to comparisons.

I am trying to do my own thing, but there will always be comparisons, even if I don't agree with them.

I guess you can't really turn a camera on outside in Texas without getting Terrence Malick comparisons.

I appreciate that people think that, give me the comparisons to LeBron, but I'm not LeBron. I'm myself.

I try not to make comparisons between who I've coached. And I haven't always coached the best in the world.

I know there'll be comparisons, but I consider it an honor to be compared to Audrey Hepburn. She's a legend.

Picabia is a very old painter who some people try to connect me to, but I refuse such comparisons very well.

The makers of '21 and Over' have been screening it, and I'm getting a lot of comparisons to a young Vince Vaughn.

I don't know, I really try not to pay attention to comparisons, 'cause I'm my own artist. I try to build my own sound.

Anyone who was tempted to draw comparisons between my father's 'Dave Robicheaux' series and my first book quickly gave up.

Everywhere you look for comparisons of life under anarchy and life under government, life under government is less violent.

Whenever comparisons get too crazy I just think about my goals, and what I want from myself. I don't look at any references.

There have been comparisons but I don't want to be compared with anyone. I want to be myself, with my own style and identity.

A wise man looks upon men as he does on horses; all their comparisons of title, wealth, and place, he consider but as harness.

The whole 'grunge-girl' comparisons certainly are the easiest to pick out, and I appreciate that music journalists are rushed.

I don't like making comparisons. You might say one slight thing, find yourself misinterpreted, and suddenly you're in trouble.

I don't like comparisons with Merckx or any other rider because we're talking about different eras, so it doesn't make any sense.

There's absolutely no comparisons to me or anyone else to Willie Mays. Willie Mays, he's the greatest baseball player of all time.

When I was younger and played acoustic guitar music, I got a lot of Sheeran comparisons, along with guys like Paolo Nutini and James Morrison.

Boys can just wear a suit on the red carpet and that's fine, but for girls it's all about the way you look, and there are constant comparisons.

I guess they draw the comparisons with Jurgen because, just like him, I tend to live the technical area and I am as emotional when celebrating.

Cultural comparisons are good because they can tell you about what's similar, but also sometimes they make it easier to see obvious differences.

The mind of a human being is formed only of comparisons made in order to examine analogies, and therefore cannot precede the existence of memory.

Men have been obliged to make for themselves a notion of what religion is, long before the science of religions started its methodical comparisons.

I work with young people, and I know that we must be careful. Newspaper headlines, sudden notoriety, and important comparisons can lead to confusion.

A lot of people say I got my own sound. I ain't never really got no comparisons. When people hear my music, they be like, 'He got his own lil sound.'

I think most couples drift apart because of comparisons. Unfortunately, in our society a perfect match is when the man is more successful than the woman.

There's always going to be comparisons, and that's unavoidable. There are people out there who feel I hit my peak with Magician and have gone downhill since.

On 'Kaputt,' singer-songwriter Dan Bejar reevaluates his band's sound and drifts away from the David Bowie comparisons that have plagued even his best albums.

I've seen comparisons between myself and Bobby Moore. It's nice to be told there are similarities, but nobody will come close to him - what a player, what a man!

This is to LeBron James: If you want to be the best, get rid of the comparisons. Get rid of all the comparisons that are out there. That's what Michael Jordan did.

I don't make much of comparisons in general, it's not how I think people construct themselves and I don't think it's a healthy way of dealing with your own reality.

Things are as they are. Looking out into it the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.

I'm very proud of my dad. To me, there are comparisons, but there aren't comparisons. We kind of play two different positions. He's a Hall of Famer, I'm not a Hall of Famer.

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