I like to compete.

I love to compete.

You should want to compete.

I just line up, and I compete.

I'm a competitor. I like compete.

I am very, very hungry to compete.

I love to compete against the best.

I'm a competitor; I love to compete.

You have to stay current to compete.

All I can do is turn up and compete.

I like to compete in everything I do.

Kids should be encouraged to compete.

It's always been my dream to compete.

My mindset is to come in and compete.

I'm going to compete every possession.

When I'm on the court, I just compete.

In business, what do we do? We compete.

I love to compete - don't get me wrong.

I always feel that I compete with myself.

I just want to compete and do what I love.

I'd love to compete in the Summer Olympics.

The Democrats complain; I choose to compete.

As athletes, our job is to train and compete.

I love to compete. I love to be on the field.

I try to play like Kohli and compete with him.

I can only control what I do when I go compete.

Where we can compete on merit, we do very well.

I'm here to compete. I'm here to be number one.

I'm a catalogue artist: I compete with Bob Dylan.

I've learned that I can compete at the top level.

I never compete to take part but to finish first.

I'm here to compete and to keep beating people up.

I love to compete. That's the essence of who I am.

My confidence came from always needing to compete.

I was always more of an athlete. I like to compete.

Our target is to compete with Ferrari and Mercedes.

I'll be the first Australian to compete in the WWE.

When you can't compete on cost, compete on quality.

I want to make the playoffs, and I want to compete.

To hell with love of country - I compete for myself.

It's difficult to compete if you are not consistent.

I've learnt I can compete with the best in the world.

I have always wanted to compete in the Olympic Games.

I hope I will get a chance to compete in the Olympics.

Women are naturally prone to compete over their mates.

I love my job. I love to fight, and I love to compete.

Good, young players don't compete in China or in Asia.

I wanna compete; I wanna be the best at whatever I do.

We compete so hard and that changes the whole ballgame.

It's clear that I want to compete with the best players.

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