Every relationship has its complications.

I have come to terms with all the complications of my life.

I always say I'm Catholic in my complications and Buddhist in my aspirations.

I had some real health complications with my HRT - hormone replacement therapy.

There are complications in relationships between men and women. There always will be.

I've signed on for four movies, and I'll do four. That's easy. No complications there.

My way of expression is full of complications and mystery because that's my perception of life.

I see mysteries and complications wherever I look, and I have never met a steadily logical person.

I'm into people's emotional lives and relationships and the complications of living. That's my turf.

Patients can often be discharged from hospital, then re-admitted a few days later with complications.

It's not that I will die, but if I stop partying, it will lead to extreme complications in my wellbeing.

New Zealand is the only country I know well enough to write about. It can sometimes lead to complications.

Minimally invasive surgery is the way forward: the patient goes home the next day; there are fewer complications.

When my parents died they both were 47, and they died of complications of different diseases; one being diabetes.

Prosperity has brought complications. Our lives are busier, faster, more stressful. They're nostalgic for a simpler, slower time.

Hollywood is a small, familial place. Everyone does business with everybody else. The same complications occur in investment banking.

When we prescribe antibiotics for a strep throat, it's not even for the strep throat. It's for the complications of the strep throat.

We know the past and its great events, the present in its multitudinous complications, chiefly through faith in the testimony of others.

My mother passed away of complications of dementia. As you get older, it really makes you realize how many people are touched by this disease.

On average, African-American women are 4 times as likely to die from pregnancy related complications. Latina women are at 2 times greater risk.

You know, 97 percent of the time, if you come into a hospital, everything goes well. But three percent of the time, we have major complications.

I was in the hospital for about two weeks because I had some complications due to the transition to kidney from dialysis and getting off of that.

Dr. Louis Bush Swisher died from the complications of a brain aneurysm that burst without warning one sunny Sunday morning less than 40 years ago.

More than half of pregnant women in the U.S. are obese, which leads to complications like hypertension, gestational diabetes and high blood pressure.

I'm a big dog fan. They're the best. They make life better, although they're hard to deal with. But complications in life are actually what make it fun.

Maternal health remains a staggering challenge, particularly in the developing world. Globally, a woman dies from complications in childbirth every minute.

Prenatal care is one of the most effective ways to reduce maternal mortality because it identifies complications or high risks before emergency situations.

I'm full of fears and I do my best to avoid difficulties and any kind of complications. I like everything around me to be clear as crystal and completely calm.

In some areas, immunity has been eroded so much that the child who's not vaccinated is now actually more vulnerable to the complications of infectious diseases.

Teaching teaches not only the students, it also teaches the teacher, and physics is so full of complications that you can't in your career have thought of everything.

At the same time, it is obvious that clinicians in Haiti are faced with different, and, in fact, greater, challenges when attempting to treat complications of HIV disease.

I don't believe in hope. I believe in action, if I'm an apostle of anything: There are always going to be complications, but to a large degree, everything is in your hands.

As a cancer survivor of a radical hysterectomy, there are complications that happen after the fact and your body changes and, going through those changes, you don't feel sexy.

In a sense, 'Out of Oz' is an examination of how individuals keep going, keep reinventing themselves and their lives, even after life-altering complications have afflicted them.

Despite amazing advances in fertility to help older women get pregnant, the complications, increased chances of autism, and chromosomal abnormalities are significant considerations.

I worked as a flight attendant while I was pregnant with my son, Jordan. After suffering serious complications, my doctor insisted I stay home to protect the health of my pregnancy.

I saw my mother go through surgical menopause, and at 35, I wasn't ready for that. I wasn't ready for the complications, like bone loss as a result of early menopause, that my mother had.

Midwives and doctors play a crucial role preventing unnecessary maternal deaths. They educate women about nutrition, health and family planning. And they step in when complications arise.

Too often in Washington we tend to see foreign policy as an abstraction, with little understanding of what we are committing our country to: the complications and consequences of endeavors.

My family had all kinds of complications in relationships. I would like to meet the person who did not. Since when is being absolutely perfect what being a human is? What do we gain from that?

I hate American simplicity. I glory in the piling up of complications of every sort. If I could pronounce the name James in any different or more elaborate way I should be in favor of doing it.

With a spinal cord injury, which most people don't really know about... there are many, many complications that actually lead you through your life, and sometimes you're up, sometimes you're down.

I've always liked the idea of being a father. And I've always romanticised it, because I lost my father when I was young. In a way, all of the complications that come with my career are about that.

If I could turn back the clock, magically deleting my prostate cancer, the surgery I needed and its complications, would I do so? It seems an odd question. But I find it surprisingly hard to answer.

I enjoy darker sardonic wit more than knock-knock jokes. I spent the first healthy chunk of my career playing all-American, pleasant, average, nice people, so it's fun to have some complications there.

Building outrageous expectations about the next big thing - be it a personal video chatting service or venue-based photo sharing app - can create all sorts of complications when things don't go as planned.

Like in every peace process, and especially in Colombia, there all kinds of problems that will come through. Not only is the process by itself very complicated but it has lots of underground complications.

Lifestyle change and changes in diet work faster, better and more cheaply than any medication and are as effective or more effective than gastric bypass without any side effects or long-term complications.

In 1964, at the age of 39, Flannery O'Connor died from complications of lupus. She had lived with this autoimmune disease for 14 years, primarily confined to her mother's farm, Andalusia, in Milledgeville, Ga.

When my parents died, they both were 47, and they died of complications of different diseases, one being diabetes. I became a diabetic at 17 and went on this road of kind of self-destruction, eating-wise, until I was 40.

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