Highly reliable components are not necessarily safe. .

You cannot make an aircraft without forged components.

The least flexible component of any system is the user.

Much of what we do in life has a huge component of luck.

Creative thought must always contain a random component.

Safety is an emergent property of systems, not a component property.

True success has more components than one sentence or idea can contain.

Once you break a habit into its components, you can fiddle with the gears.

We realized you cannot create a car by simply gathering needed components.

Faith rests squarely upon reason, but with the added component of revelation.

As soon as I left school at 16, I worked in a factory making aircraft components.

Failed weapons tests are necessary components of the weapons development process.

Singing is one of the most important components to me. That's kinda how it all started.

In many biological structures proteins are simply components of larger molecular machines.

Justice is the only way to achieve peace and co-existence among the various components of Iraq.

Components are important in the evolution of cars, and there is increasing need for electronics.

When I'm writing a story, I try to reduce it to the barest possible components and go from there.

In the future, there are going to be various components of doing business that have to be looked at.

What is it about the component of fire? People have written about it. People have wondered about it.

Ronaldo plus Juventus does not guarantee the Champions League. There are so many components in football.

I detest audiences. Not in their individual components but en masse... I think they are a force of evil.

Of course, we have known for a long time that a word, like any verbal sign, is a unity of two components.

When I originally started looking at different prosthetic components, most of them were just set up for walking.

My system uses the speed of components in cameras and cell phones to get four inches of depth through the brain.

Maybe it's a form of overcompensation, but whenever I've toured, I've always needed a huge performance component.

My first computer was an IBM Display Writer. With all its components, it was roughly the size of a bass fishing boat.

Without food, man can live at most but a few weeks; without it, all other components of social justice are meaningless.

Some days it's tough, and I don't want to train my mental game, or I don't want to train my components as hard as I used to.

My curiosity and my appetite for evolving as an actor is one of the main components of me still working today in the business.

Jazz is such a living art form. It happens right in the moment. You weave a story by changing certain elements and components.

A good engineer thinks in reverse and asks himself about the stylistic consequences of the components and systems he proposes.

While neurological studies have tried to identify components responsible for fear and greed, the impact on finance is less clear.

There were some things Reagan liked that I liked. The main component was that people have to talk to each other and help themselves.

Shapes that contain no inner components of positive/negative relationships will function better with other shapes of the same nature.

Three components - education, equality and empowerment - play an important and pivotal role in moving the country forward in every aspect.

I can bring in all these different components, and I marry these components, and I let them get traversed by the viewer, who reorganizes them.

Our history is an inevitable component of our being. One thing only can release us from the grip of our history. That one thing is forgiveness.

I would say the flip side to my fascination with systems is a fascination with components. So many of my books are dialogues between little and big.

My track record is that I have always sought to work with warmth and in a constructive way with the leaders of other components of the Jewish faith.

I am a writer and always was; being a writer is an integral part of my identity. Being published, being well regarded, is a component of that identity.

After the Shuttle checks out on its two upcoming flights, it will be ready to take larger components up to the International Space Station later this fall.

I honestly feel like we never had a bad episode by TV standards. Every week I felt there were so many strong components of the show, especially the writing.

Teams are made up of a lot of components. They're made up of hunger, they're made up of desire, they're made up of chemistry, and they're made up of emotion.

We believe that cloud will be based on significant open-source components that are offered as services. People don't want to be locked into a single provider.

In principle, there are only three main components of spending that much matter to monetary policy: consumer spending, business investment and exports and trade.

There are six components of wellness: proper weight and diet, proper exercise, breaking the smoking habit, control of alcohol, stress management and periodic exams.

All behavioral or mood disorders - including depression, OCD, ADHD and addiction - have some neurochemical components, but sufferers can still work to overcome them.

It is frustrating that religion in general includes components that treat women as a support system for a man rather than a leader or equal player in the relationship.

Lumileds is a highly successful supplier of lighting components to the general illumination, automotive, and consumer electronics markets, with a strong customer base.

Price erosion in components is quite fast. If you can capitalize on that by bringing products to the market faster, you will actually gain a better margin realization.

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