It is fun playing villains, for sure.

I'm really good friends with Danny Trejo.

I wanna be the villain. Villains have fun.

I've been lucky enough to go back and forth.

The easiest and most accessible emotion is rage.

My characters are always utterly sympathetic to me.

The desert feels Irish in a way - lonely and barren.

I'm a huge fan of things like The Wire and The Shield.

I am in Ghost Rider but I'm not sure when it's coming out.

I felt like 'Life' was a great show. It was really well-written.

Follow your deepest dream, the one you had as a kidbut stay focused.

I'm a huge fan of Michael Hirst, and I'm a huge fan of historical drama.

Follow your deepest dream, the one you had as a kid... but stay focused.

I did pilots here and there but mostly I was doing little bits in movies.

I didn't originally want to be an actor. I didn't know what I wanted to be.

My characters are always utterly sympathetic to me, if that makes any sense.

It was just a really thrilling little ride on this big world of 'Sons of Anarchy.'

I just personally feel like the best writing for actors exists in cable television.

I'm a happy human being when I'm overloaded with stuff to do, but I got stuff to do.

Then I did The Tao of Steve and that was at Sundance in 2000 where it did really well.

To me, the people on 'Copper' were rock stars. Before I joined that show, I loved that show.

Young actors are pretty fantastic. I can't even imagine doing stuff like that when I was a kid.

We own our movie and are now close to breaking even, even without finishing domestic DVD deals.

It's nice to be in a world where you're not going to exhaust storylines with potential villains.

I don't know why I don't watch the Oscars. It's not bitterness or anything; it just seems weird.

I remember working on movies like Gettysburg and feeling that Jeff Daniels was kind of a mentor.

One of my best and dearest friends in the world is this guy named Robert Burke, who was in 'Rescue Me.'

I think in a weird way that the entertainment industry is strangely more brutally honest than any other.

It didn't get into Sundance although I showed a rough cut which is a mistake to all filmmakers out there.

San Diego was fantastic. I think there's something about San Diego that is quite different than Los Angeles.

Fair or not, it always sucks when everyone wanders back from Sundance talking about how bad the movies were.

Every once in awhile, when you can see shades of the person's real interior life, I think that's interesting.

I'm a professional hanger outer. I'm a super liability, too. I joke around and I'm like a hyper-active child.

I'm a professional hanger outer. I'm a super liability, too. I joke around, and I'm like a hyperactive child.

It was hard to do 'Vikings.' It was hard to do 'Copper.' Part of that was, like, there's dialect and other things.

Once a film is made and it exists, someone somewhere is going to watch it and that is kind of the magic of it all.

As the season progresses, it's like the doors open up to all the different worlds that were teased about in the pilot.

I've played some good villains, in the last few years. I'm good where I'm at. But it is fun playing villains, for sure.

My mom, she's from Ireland, coached tennis in Nigeria when she was a missionary and turned me on to it when I was young.

I did a pilot for HBO, called One Percent, that they didn't end up picking up, but it was a pretty intense and dramatic piece.

It's always surprised me that the most successful and really amazing shows are also the happiest environments and very welcoming.

It's always surprised me that the most successful and really amazing shows are also the happiest environments, and very welcoming.

To be honest, when you're young and you watch The Deer Hunter for the first time, that's when you're like, "That's what I want to do."

I love not feeling this hydraulic pressure that you have to create this comic moment within every scene. You can just play it as it is.

I have 52 first cousins. My mom and dad were the only two to move to North America, so I've got deep family there, but I'm a California kid.

I feel like I'm really lucky because I get to sometimes maybe vibrate at a frequency that's a little deeper and darker than people anticipate.

It's so nerve-wracking to go out into a stadium, feeling a billion eyes upon you when you mess up your touches. That's an overwhelming environment.

I always think it's absurd when people go, 'How can you have a show about Batman without Batman?' 'Gotham' is plenty fascinating, 'Chinatown' style.

You can judge a country by the way it treats its prisoners, and you can always judge a show by the way it treats people coming on to do these guest shots.

I honestly feel like we never had a bad episode by TV standards. Every week I felt there were so many strong components of the show, especially the writing.

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