Connecticut is in my blood.

I grew up in Greenwich, Connecticut.

Connecticut farmers keep our economy running.

I am really excited to join the Connecticut Sun.

I grew up outside of DC, New York state, and Connecticut.

I'm a farm boy from Connecticut, and I adopted urban life.

I'm an L.A. girl, a Cali girl - a Cali girl from Connecticut.

I have a sweet tooth the size of Connecticut. It's a problem.

I'm a nice, happily married wife and mom and I live in Connecticut.

I spent my summers in Connecticut scooping ice cream and babysitting.

It's Connecticut: being like the people around you is the whole point.

Connecticut is home for life. I'm so glad I chose to go to school here.

In a true democracy everyone can be upper class and live in Connecticut.

I come from Bridgeport, Connecticut and have friends I grew up with there.

I think I live in the land of high expectations after playing at Connecticut.

What wouldn't have happened to me if I hadn't ended up in Hartford, Connecticut.

I developed my taste for coffee at five, staying with my grandmother in Connecticut.

One of the smartest investments we can make in Connecticut is in job training programs.

My father was a sergeant with the Connecticut state police. My mother was a hairstylist.

Connecticut has a proud tradition of manufacturing going back to the days of Eli Whitney.

I'm a very rooted person. I grew up in Norwich, Connecticut, I still live in Connecticut.

I have a house in the Connecticut countryside where you'll always find me, summer or winter.

Well, I've done a lot of strips since I've been here about Zippy and me being in Connecticut.

Connecticut's first responders and defense workers work every day to help us achieve these goals.

I was so affected by the tragic shootings that took place in Newtown, Connecticut, as we all were.

But Connecticut and Rhode Island have originally realized the most perfect polity as to a legislature.

I grew up in Connecticut - it was really charming, but when I was younger, all I wanted was to get out.

There are a lot of big spec houses now all across Connecticut, a lot of ostentatious showing of wealth.

When I was 26, I got offered the Connecticut job, but the ABA started, and I thought I could still play.

I intend to fight to ensure that Connecticut workers have a level playing field when competing for jobs.

Who has connections to Connecticut? That's where rich people go to live the rest of their life in the woods.

Eastern Connecticut is very different from Western; we're more liverwurst than pâté, more bowling than polo.

I don't think that we'll support any state that is prepared to discriminate against the citizens of Connecticut.

I just try to be the same kid from New York and Greenwich, Connecticut, who is just lame and watches TV and Netflix.

I went to school in Connecticut, at Connecticut College, and then really started to get bitten by the political bug.

I've had the school of hard knocks, and I've worked my way up to be the governor of this great state of Connecticut.

I didn't want to go see mountainous areas as a kid - I wanted to be around town, around New York, around Connecticut.

Dwayne Betts is the kind of man who should be receiving awards from the Connecticut bar. Instead, he hasn't been admitted.

Growing up in Connecticut, all the Colonial houses looked alike. In Los Angeles, the diversity is so extreme, it's baffling.

I was born in Connecticut. But my parents brought my sister and I to L.A. when-Hollywood, actually, when i was 6 months old.

To mistake Midland for the volk heartland is the West Texas equivalent of assuming that Greenwich, Connecticut, is Levittown.

I was raised in Connecticut. And I honestly wasn't aware that my dad was a celebrity until I moved to Los Angeles a year ago.

New York is the center of the world. I grew up in Connecticut, outside of the city, and my father commuted to the city for work.

It always is a battle for a Republican in Connecticut, even one who's a moderate like I am, and one who's an independent thinker.

We have a great location between Boston and New York, a highly educated work force, and Connecticut is a beautiful place to live.

I have to tell you, I'll be right up front about it: I'm the governor of the state of Connecticut, and I can't write anything well.

My house in Connecticut is very quiet, and when I'm trying to concentrate, I don't even allow the cat inside my second-floor study.

I live in a small town in Connecticut, and they don't write scripts there, but I get them anyway because my agent is in Los Angeles.

I was born in Middletown, Connecticut, while my dad was getting his Ph.D. in ethnomusicology and anthropology at Wesleyan University.

The lower Farmington River and Salmon Brook are unparalleled natural treasures with some of the highest water quality in Connecticut.

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