Conversion is a daily thing.

Conversion brings a drive to learn.

A conversion is a lonely experience.

The surest mark of true conversion is humility.

Mobile usage is going up; mobile conversion is not.

You cannot convert people beyond your own conversion.

We are all sinners. We are called to a conversion of heart

The Government will not abandon the free conversion of the rouble

Christ receives people; because of that mercy, conversion happens.

Our conversation rate has to go up before our conversion rate can go up.

I'm certainly not a fan of conversion when you could shoot the movie in 3-D.

Desires going before conversion are not such as can calm a storming conscience.

Suffering is a call to conversion: it reminds us of our frailty and vulnerability.

No one is beyond the power of conversion, because no one is beyond the power of truth.

Donald Trump has not always been pro-life, and I hope that his conversion is complete.

The conversion of a savage to Christianity is the conversion of Christianity to savagery.

God is not glorified in any transaction upon earth so much as in the conversion of a sinner.

Always remember that there is no conversion to God if there is no conversion to the oppressed.

Conversion is a complete surrender to Jesus. It's a willingness to do what he wants you to do.

I need a long and lingering death to make sure that I have time to have a deathbed conversion.

I find it extraordinary that anyone would have an intellectual conversion to Roman Catholicism.

No one had to worry about Peter after his conversion. Your investigators can be that converted.

I never outgrew my conversion to atheism at 13, but at various times was a serious cultural Jew.

The most zealous converters are always the most rancorous when they fail of producing conversion.

The church needs a pope who can call us to conversion and lead us to take seriously what Jesus did.

FDR, as best as I can tell, had no kind of involvement at all in our conversion to the paper currency.

The condition of photographing is maybe the condition of being on the brink of conversion to anything.

Regeneration is God's disposing the heart to Himself; conversion is the actual turning of the heart to God.

All conviction - and so, necessarily, conversion - is based on the motor and emotional aspects of the mind.

I am part of a movement that loves women into conversation and conversion. I am part of the pro-woman movement.

Conversion is an offering of self, of love, and of loyalty we give to God in gratitude for the gift of testimony.

Conversion is not implanting eyes, for they exist already; but giving them a right direction, which they have not

To me, going for a tie means kicking the extra point for a tie instead of going for a two-point conversion to win.

I would really like to hear somebody who is really articulate about the elements of their faith conversion. I'm not.

Conversion is not my intention. Changing religion is not easy. You may develop some kind of confusion or difficulties.

Our young people should not be put at risk and subject to unscientific and harmful actions such as 'conversion therapy.'

When my father died, I had a real experience with Christ, a real conversion with Christ and I had it in a Oneness church.

In the Roman commonwealth, even on the conversion of the monarchy into a republic, the old was as far as possible retained.

One of the things I do in my cookbooks is I will do a conversion from outdoor to indoor grilling so you can do it year-round.

Students undergo a conversion in the third year of medical school - not pre-clinical to clinical, but pre-cynical to cynical.

Urbanization has relied on land conversion and land financing, which is causing urban sprawl and, on occasion, ghost towns and waste.

For individuals to become fully active in the Church, they generally must experience a spiritual conversion and a social integration.

Conversion is a change of masters. Will we not do as much for our new master, the Lord Jesus, as we did once for our old tyrant lusts?

Being a Christian is more than just an instantaneous conversion - it is a daily process whereby you grow to be more and more like Christ.

Conversion for me was not a Damascus Road experience. I slowly moved into an intellectual acceptance of what my intuition had always known.

Coaching works best with high potential people who are willing to make a concerted effort to change, not as a religious conversion activity.

The Muslims want to force conversion. Christians want to persuade you to voluntarily change your heart to where you would say yes to Jesus Christ.

Make no mistake: conversion therapy is not about 'praying away the gay.' It's an emotional torture against our most innocent citizens: our children.

I wrote my first song, 'Conversion', to this little hip-hop instrumental. I went to an open-mic, plugged my iPod into the P.A., and sang over the beat.

Our Holy Father says every one of us is in need of conversion, beginning with ourselves. We are all in need of the grace of Jesus Christ to receive the Gospel.

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