Your as slow as a fat kid on crutches

Guns are the crutches of the impotent.

One foote is better then two crutches.

If God is a crutch, then atheism is a coma.

Excuses are the crutches of the uncommitted.

Some days you see lots of people on crutches.

Our hours in love have wings; in absence, crutches.

Time goes on crutches till love have all his rites.

Literature is a bad crutch, but a good walking-stick.

If you always have a crutch, you don't learn anything.

Being on one crutch to no crutches is a huge difference.

For me the curse is a crutch, but the con is everything.

Being in a boot is not fun. Being on crutches is not fun.

God is a crutch? Yeah, well, not believing in God is a coma.

... religion is a crutch, and only the crippled need crutches.

The crutch of Time accomplishes more than the club of Hercules.

Ill news are swallow-winged, but what is good walks on crutches.

I'm really not a fan of voiceovers; I think they become a crutch.

Being seduced by a man on crutches was an interesting experience.

My father always said excuses are the crutches for the untalented.

My body could stand the crutches but my mind couldn't stand the sideline.

I feel bad for people in wheelchairs and people who have to use crutches.

If you break someone's leg, shouldn't you have to be the crutch for a while?

I didn't want to use anything as a crutch and ever have excuses heading into a match.

People think I'm accident-prone when they see me on crutches, but I do eight shows a week.

I'd been brought up on the Upper East Side in a WASP society, which was death on crutches.

I've smashed myself around, been on crutches, and broken a couple of bones when I was a kid.

Thinking of getting into the leg-breaking business, so I can profitably sell crutches later.

Were it not for the bone in the legge, all the world would turne Carpenters (to make them crutches).

Government cripples you, then hands you a crutch and says, 'See, if it wasn't for us, you couldn't walk.'

At one stage I was using crutches on stage and couldn't walk more than 20 yards but a hip replacement in 2010 sorted that out.

Nothing is more desirable than to be released from an affliction, but nothing is more frightening than to be divested of a crutch.

When you're together with someone for some time, you will automatically depend on them as if they were a crutch. And then it ends.

Religion is now viewed by many as a placebo or emotional crutch precisely because that is how we often pitch the gospel to unbelievers

When I was a child I had something called Perthes' Disease which meant I was on crutches, so I was bullied at school and all that sort of stuff.

A lot of the problems teenagers go through, it's better for them to go through them on their own. If you always have a crutch, you don't learn anything.

There's a certain exhaustion that sets in when screenwriters are approaching sequels, and they start to lean on crutches - those same old wacky characters!

I was riding pillion on my friend's motorbike, and we met with an accident which badly injured my right leg. I was bedridden for three years and used crutches for one year before I fully recovered.

I have a very simple philosophy. One has to separate the abilities from the disabilities. The fact I cannot walk, that I need crutches or a scooter or whatever it is, has nothing to do with my playing the violin.

All of us use crutches of popularity amongst friends, society, social media for self-importance. People go to any extent to feed their ego, even if that means to show someone down, self-destruction or to kill someone.

"Do not lean on your own understanding." That means don't bring in the crutches and lean on them, those crutches that you have designed and made to handle such situations. Stay away from them. Don't lean on them; lean on God.

I believe in greater self-sufficiency. International sport is tough, no doubt, but there shouldn't be too many crutches. In most cases sports psychologists are crutches, and they tend to soften rather than harden the players.

I feel like I'm on crutches when I have to go by the dialogue sheet. I want the artiste's natural, spontaneous reaction and vocabulary so that it adds a genuine flavor to the scene without which the sequence becomes entirely cinematic.

For me, a happy ending is not everything works out just right and there is a big bow, it's more coming to a place where a person has a clear vision of his or her own life in a way that enables them to kind of throw down their crutches and walk.

When I pull my white Range Rover into disabled parking bays, the abuse that I get until I actually get out on my crutches is phenomenal, because people presume that you couldn't possibly be disabled and reverse a white Range Rover into that parking space.

I could hardly walk for six months, never mind play football. I was limping for so long. I was walking with crutches - as in, properly walking - after about the first month because I thought it was much better to put my body weight on and build up the strength.

I’m not going to pick her up and carry her screaming to the basement,” Trent said. “It’s a workday. Besides, she has a crutch.” “Crutch or no, she’s hurt!” Ceri protested. “I mean,” Trent said intently, “she can hit me with it if I do something she doesn’t like.

The doctors misdiagnosed me at first - they told me I had a pinched nerve. But my situation was getting worse. The tumor was cutting off the circulation in my nerves. And in two weeks' time, I was left paralyzed. I went from a cane to crutches to a walker to a wheelchair.

I had gross morning sickness til about 15 weeks and then gestational diabetes, and most annoyingly, from about week 20, I had pelvis issues, which saw me on crutches for the last five weeks of the pregnancy and has since developed into full-blown Osteitis Pubis and pelvic instability.

The simplest consequence of walking on crutches is that you walk slower. Every step must be a necessary one. When you hurry, you get where you're going, but you get there alone. When you go slow, you get where you're going, but you get there with a community you've built along the way.

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