I wanna watch Cub Swanson against Aldo.

My dad was my Little League coach and my Cub Master.

As a cub reporter, I devoured books about journalism.

I was once, I think, bitten on the nose by a lion cub.

If I wanted to win all my fights, I would be a Yankee fan. I'm a Cub fan.

When you're asked to fly a 747 you better at least be able to fly a Piper cub.

I want a rematch with Cub Swanson, I think I deserve to be 100 percent and fight.

I have great memories of being a Cub, and I'm happy building new ones with the Phillies.

Protect yourself like you would your cubs - as a grown woman, you're no one's cub anymore.

Cub Swanson was the first to talk a lot on fight week in the WEC, and I got there and ran through him.

Cub Swanson's a guy you either get through or you don't, and I fought him when he was on a nice winning streak.

When many work together for a goal, Great things may be accomplished. It is said a lion cub was killed By a single colony of ants.

Time flies really quickly. It feels like only a few months ago that I was traded over here and started my career as a Cub in 2013.

It didn't happen, but I feel fortunate for the two chances we had and it's just a shame we didn't go to a World Series for Cub fans.

That strong mother doesn't tell her cub, Son, stay weak so the wolves can get you. She says, Toughen up, this is reality we are living in.

I've been proud to be a lifelong Chicago Cub and still be with the Cubs. That's always been important to me and I think it's always been special.

My father also encouraged my love of nature. He urged me to become a Cub Scout, and later a Boy Scout, and I found I really liked being outdoors.

We're not much of a camping family. When I was in Cub Scouts, we went camping once, and my dad snored the whole time and kept me up. It wasn't that fun.

I think against Cub I get it done. He comes in, he's very open, he throws wild shots, and he has never, I promise you, in his life felt power that I have.

The eldest and biggest of the litter was a dog cub, and when he drew his first breath he was less than five inches long from his nose to where his tail joined his back-bone.

I've had some incredible experiences with this organization. I owe a lot to this team and this organization and the ownership. I don't want to see that time come to an end, my time as a Cub.

Nobody expected me to finish Cub Swanson the way I did. When you see something like that, even I say, 'You're finally here. You're not only hanging with the best of the best, you're finishing them.'

There is an energy that you carry when you're nurturing another life where you're protecting first - and once you know that cub is out of the way of the hunter's gun, you can be a little more daring.

I got to share the Octagon with Clay Guida. I got to share the Octagon with Cub Swanson. Now I'm going to share the Octagon with Frankie Edgar. These are things that, as a fighter, you always dream of.

I'm a Cub fan, and I sit up here and I know when we have a good team, I know when we're struggling, and it affects me just like any other fan, and I just happen to show it on the radio. I can't help it.

At university - when I was supposed to be studying biochemistry - I had tried to write a children's book about a boy and a wolf cub, and there was a paragraph in that which was from the wolf's point of view.

Growing up doing those Kiwanis Clubs, doing those Cub Scout banquets, doing those church shows, I learned to find that sensibility that most people could laugh at - that all ages and demographics could laugh at.

I do enjoy manga but would not consider myself a 'super-fan,' only really connecting with certain works such as 'Lone Wolf and Cub,' or 'Tekkon Kinkreet,' the more breakthrough works, and 'Akira,' to me, is the daddy of them all.

In my very early days as a journalist, as a cub reporter on a local newspaper, I used to cover the district courthouse in Limerick city - all human life passed through that establishment, and my time there remains a source of inspiration.

My father died when I was young, and my mother, Ruth, went to work in an office selling theater and movie parties. She put me through private school, Horace Mann, in Riverdale. She sent me to camp so that I would learn to compete. She was a lioness, and I was her cub.

I've been a Cub all my life. I came up here when I was 20 years old and spent my whole career here in Chicago. I've always been an optimist; I believe you have to be in order to survive, to be honest with you - in health, with what I've been through. That's the way I am.

When I was in Greenough, Montana, I came across a bear cub. I was off this path, and I thought, If there's a bear cub, that means there's a mother bear somewhere nearby. So I doubled back. If I'd kept going, I'm sure they would have eventually found my sneakers, and that's about it.

I was a cub reporter on a local newspaper in Limerick city, and I used to cover the district court meetings. All of life passed through the Limerick courthouse. Misery, malevolence, the dark side of humanity... I tell ya, it made 'Angela's Ashes' look like 'The Wonderful World of Disney.'

As great a public speaker as I am, I don't know have - I don't - I don't have the words to describe Cub fans who welcomed me as a rookie, were patient through my 1-for-32 start, and took me into their homes and into their hearts and treated me like a member of their family. You picked me up when I was down.

In the early nineties, I was a cub reporter on a city newspaper in Limerick, and assigned to the courthouse there. One day, an old detective sergeant came and whispered to me in the press pit. He pointed out a young offender, a teenager who was up for stealing a car or something relatively minor, and said, 'See this kid? He'll kill.'

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