Find a way to get a full-body massage every day.

Every day I run scared. That's the only way I can stay ahead.

I still wake up every day and take my kids to school. It's supposed to be this way.

If we didn't desensitize ourselves in some way, every day would feel like its own tragedy.

Thin applications and small amounts in the right places is kind of the way to go with metallics for every day.

I only know one thing. I have been bred through the Heat organization to do it one way. And every day, you prepare.

My kids are exhausted every day, and I keep them that way. It's gym, ice, homework. They're too tired to get in trouble.

My husband wanted to be cremated. I told him I'd scatter his ashes at Neiman Marcus - that way, I'd visit him every day.

It's hard to find a way forward. When you're 18 it happens in huge chunks every day, but after 20 years, growth is much more costly.

The way I look at it, every day that I'm moving forward is a day I'm not moving backward. Just the fact that I'm in the race at all is a miracle.

When I started training, I just started running every day, which you shouldn't do. I learned that lesson the hard way by getting a stress fracture.

I think I've always used the whip in the correct way. I see marked horses every day, and it's not a pretty sight, but I've never marked a horse. Never.

Diego Costa is the one who plays around a lot, who jokes a lot in the dressing room. It's just his way, joking around with all of us, every hour of every day.

I go to my office nearly every day, and I'll sit there for six or seven hours and come up with ideas, and that's the only way I can justify turning up on stage.

I think about Ellen DeGeneres, seeing her every single day on a show. Her identity is there every day, but what leads the way is her talent and how much you like her.

So let's be honest with ourselves and not take ourselves too serious, and never condemn the other fellow for doing what we are doing every day, only in a different way.

I just try to be the same guy each and every day and just do something when we're hitting or make a nice defensive play or run the bases. Just trying to be consistent in that way.

Walmart is not arrogant. We could go away at any minute. I think most of us act that way every day. If you're not willing to fail - and we are failing at some things - you're going to go away.

I feel lucky every day. But I can also trace that luck back to decisions I have made. Frequently, those decisions have been to pay my own way to somewhere I want to be and something I want to do.

You cannot compare the way someone plays for a club and for a national team. At a club, you spend every day with the same players. In a national team, you are with your team-mates for only a few days.

Most important of all, there is no right or wrong way to write - there's only what works for you. I was taught to write every day, but I know a writer (a bestseller at that!) who only writes on weekends.

It's ironic, isn't it, that one day you're one of the most conservative members, and then some individual gets mad at you, and they decide to throw millions of dollars against you because you didn't vote exactly the way they want every day.

You can't do the same thing every day with the horse. Because they then know the thing inside out, and they're leading you, not the other way round. You don't want them to take over. You have to be able to ride the movements and set the movements up; you don't want them starting before you are ready.

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