The '80s were a lost decade.

I wasn't born in the wrong decade.

The '80s was a great decade for comedy.

It is fun to be in the same decade with you.

Every decade needs its own manual of handicraft.

I was eating beans by candle light for a decade.

This mission was the project of a decade's work.

I'm hoping to have a ninth decade like Matisse's.

I didn't wear jeans for, like, a decade of my life.

I was Pippa on 'Home And Away' for nearly a decade.

Celluloid will be the next decade's black and white.

After a hellish decade, my son got and stayed sober.

I don't know anybody who doesn't have a lost decade.

I just can't believe all the things I did that decade.

I'd like to think of myself as the flavor of the decade.

My 20s were a lost decade. I didn't do much of anything.

For me, 30s have been the greatest decade of my life yet.

Really, I could care less if there's a Second Decade record.

I've aged. 'Patagonia' has robbed me of a decade of my life.

There has been one defining production for me in each decade.

I keep showing decade after decade that I am a real performer.

I miss the 80's as well, it was a truly great decade for music.

I've been going to China every year now for more than a decade.

I think that between 27 and 37 was a really big learning decade.

The first decade of your life is really important; it's formative.

Going to school was an absolute terror for me for, like, a decade.

Every generation is obsessed with the decade before they were born.

I have written periodically for the Guardian for more than a decade.

To some, the '50s were a decade marked by the banal, the predictable.

Lots of people knew who Kevin Hart was a decade before he hit it big.

Even IBM can't stand in the way of progress... for more than a decade.

I've got huge affection for Everton. It was my life for over a decade.

Nearly a decade of time is enough for everybody to change, quite a bit.

In my case I want my films to be fresh even after a decade of watching it.

Every decade has its ABBA; that's the proof that pop will always be around.

I was in the courtroom prosecuting violent felonies for well over a decade.

I have been sober for the longest time. Oh, it's over a decade now. No joke.

An intriguing paradox of the 1990s is that it isn't called a decade of greed.

I've a track record of successful comedy films spread over more than a decade.

Black unemployment is twice white unemployment and has been for decade after decade.

At 49, you want people to think you are at least a decade younger, not a year older.

I'd like to have a decade of my life back. I dropped into a void for almost a decade.

In the space of a decade, China and India have emerged as dramatic, dynamic competitors.

I think in conventional magazine wisdom, you need to have a redesign every decade or so.

Your success has to be measured against yourself - a decade ago, last year, or yesterday.

I came to Hollywood and within a decade I was one of the biggest action stars of all time.

I think the first decade of this century is going to be remembered as a time of extremism.

I'm one of six kids, and the eight of us lived for over a decade in either a bus or a boat.

The last decade has been a little rough, so I'm hoping to start this one on the right foot.

The '80s was a wild decade, and I had some fantastic times. And I did some really fun work.

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