I'm determined to be a diva.

I'm a very determined person.

One choice can transform you!

Art is man determined to die sane.

If I catch them, I will kill them.

My dad is a very determined person.

I was determined not to remain poor.

I was determined not to be typecast.

A good teacher is a determined person

Problems just make me more determined.

A good teacher is a determined person.

I'm determined to raise a strong girl.

I'm extremely determined and ambitious.

Behavior is determined by its consequences.

Truth is not determined by a majority vote.

Who you become is determined by how you pray

Nothing is impossible to a determined woman.

Every tomorrow is determined by every today.

Every tomorrow is determined by every today.

Your destiny is determined by your decisions.

Everything that happens is determined by God.

Only the absolutely determined people succeed.

You cannot keep determined people for success.

Everybody is determined by his own experience.

I was determined to make it big on sheer merit.

Character is determined by choice, not opinion.

Wake up curious, and determined to find an answer

So many stories are determined before they start.

Losing hurts me. I was determined to be the best.

To him who has determined, it only remains to act.

Pity. It seems determined to follow me everywhere.

I am determined to offer an apology with my death.

Quality is determined by accuracy and completeness.

The quality of life is determined by its activities.

Our leadership in D.C. should be bold and determined.

…determined to enjoy her luxury of grief uncomforted.

I am determined and resigned to being self-conscious.

There is no force equal to a woman determined to rise

I'm very passionate in life, and I'm very determined.

Today I began the novel that I determined to be great.

I'm very determined, single-minded, just ask the wife.

All depends on how determined we are to be successful.

I feel like I'm a good motivator; I'm very determined.

The value of a life is determined by what we give away.

Every election is determined by the people who show up.

I was determined to dance. That's why I lasted so long.

I was always fiercely determined and driven to succeed.

Being disciplined and determined are my fitness mantra.

I am determined to go through the horror of this world.

I'm determined to become the best backyard athlete ever.

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